International Nurses Day is celebrated in Canada on May 12 to honor the work nurses perform to ensure that Canadians receive the finest healthcare available. Canada still has a need for more nurses as the population grows and the COVID-19 pandemic’s effects are still being seen there. So, salary hike of nurses in Canada every year.
According to the most recent data on open positions, the healthcare and social support industry had the most open vacancies ever in January 2023 with 162,100.
Rising Demand for Nurses
Even before the epidemic, nursing shortages were an issue in Canadian healthcare. According to the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions Report 2022 (CFNU), many nurses experienced exhaustion and mental health issues. During the epidemic, this resulted in widespread resignations among healthcare personnel.
Provinces trying to attract and retain nurses
The province is in charge of health. The provinces are working to lower some of the hurdles that foreign nurses may encounter upon arriving in Canada and to draw more foreign nurses to the country.So, they announce salary hikes for nurses in Canada. In other words, a lot of nurses struggle to get the accreditation they need to work in Canada.
The provinces of Canada are working really hard to attract and keep more nurses. Some example are given below:
1. British Columbia
Recent changes to the nurse-patient interaction in British Columbia will vary depending on the type of care being provided. For instance, there will be a 1:1 ratio between an ICU nurse and a ventilated patient. This is done to make sure that nurses are not overworked and that patients get the attention they require.
2. Alberta
Alberta declared in February that the government will spend more than $15 million to fund and train additional IENs. $7.8 million in funding will allow students to apply for scholarships worth up to $30,000. 600 additional nursing bridging program seats will be created at three institutions in Alberta using the remaining funding.
3. Manitoba
In November 2022, Manitoba released its Health Human Resources Action Plan. The administration also pledged to employ 2,000 more health care professionals, invest $200 million in retaining, training, and hiring health care personnel across the province, and eliminate required overtime hours.
4. New Scotland
On March 20, Nova Scotia Premier Tim Houston announced a $10,000 recognition incentive for nurses in the province. Those who sign a two-year return of service agreement before the end of March 2024 will be eligible for a $10,000 bonus the following year.