Canada Govt Invests $17.6M in Digital Literacy Exchange Program

This investment in the Digital Literacy Exchange Program will immensely help in the advancement of Canada’s digital literacy via DLEP.
Canada Govt Invests 17.6M in Digital Literacy Exchange Program

The government of Canada is set to invest around $17.6 million in the Digital Literacy Exchange Program in order to improve digital literacy of Canadians. A digital marketing career in Canada looks promising. However, let’s know more about the investment that the Canadian Government made recently.

About the Investment

The funding that the government of Canada made recently will go towards the Digital Literacy Exchange Program (DLEP), for the advancement of digital literacy among Canadians.

On 13th March, 2023, the Canadian Government announced that 23 non-profit organizations throughout the nation are set to receive funds so that they could further help in the improvement of digital literacy. Through the DLEP this funding will take place.

The name of different not-for-profit organizations which will receive the funding are below: 

  • ABC Life Literacy Canada
  • Altered Minds Inc.
  • Brain Injury Association of Waterloo-Wellington
  • Burnaby Neighbourhood House
  • CNIB (Canadian National Institute for the Blind)
  • Community Sector Council Newfoundland and Labrador
  • East Hants Community Learning Association
  • Fabrique Mobile
  • Gaspésie Literacy Council
  • Gluu Society
  • Job Skills
  • Labour Education Centre
  • The Learning Enrichment Foundation
  • Literacy Link South Central
  • Multicultural Association of Fredericton Inc.
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Public Libraries
  • Parkland County Library Board
  • Pinnguaq Association
  • Project Adult Literacy Society
  • S.U.C.C.E.S.S.
  • SADC Shawinigan
  • Saskatoon Industry Education Council
  • Tech Manitoba

How the new investment is beneficial for newcomers

This new investment will help not only the citizens of Canada, but also the permanent residents as well as immigrants landing in the country. How will it help, you ask? Well, let us tell you. It will help in advancing their skills along with teaching them more about the digital world.

Since Canada’s labor force is increasingly becoming digital, it is important for the immigrants as well as workers to be aware of this technological world to adapt to it. 

Everything you are doing is somehow linked to the online world. Whether booking tickets for a new movie, job hunting, studying, or doing online transactions, you need to do it safely and securely. And, when the digital world of Canada grows stronger, it means the people of Canada will be taking advantage of that. 

Niyati Chaurasia

Niyati Chaurasia

Niyati’s specialty lies in Canadian immigration matters along with crafting helpful, user-oriented content.

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