The previous BC PNP Draws have invited a huge number of immigrants to come to the country and work there. These invitations helped people in so many ways. When a person receives an invitation, they don’t receive the invitation to an event, they receive an invitation to come and apply for permanent residency. YES! YOU get the chance to apply for the permanent residency of British Columbia. British Columbia Draws usually get weekly updates.
Interesting to Read: All PNP Draws Update: Chance to Become a Resident of Canada
Latest British Columbia Draws
From the most newly arrived British Columbia draws on 11th April. We can surely say that people can get permanent residence in Canada. Let’s discuss that further.
Details of British Columbia Draws:-
- Number of invitations for Skilled worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option) are 99 with TARGETED DRAW – TECH. Minimum CRS score for this stream is 85.
- On the other hand, number of invitations for Skilled worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option) are 25 which with TARGETED DRAW – EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATORS AND ASSISTANTS. Minimum CRS score for this stream is 60.
- Number of invitations for Skilled worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option) are 8 with TARGETED DRAW – HEALTHCARE. Minimum CRS score for this stream is also 60.
British Columbia Demands YOU!
British Columbia is calling for skilled workers from all over the world. Are you a worker as well? Are you, too, looking for work? Are you tired of sitting at home, only dreaming about when you would start working? Do you want to go abroad and start working there? GOOD! You should! You should go abroad and work in another country. It is refreshing, you know? Starting anew. Yeah, it can be quite good.
Do you know which province is currently in need of workers from abroad? Actually, all the provinces and territories in Canada are facing labor shortages, hence, they all are currently in need of workers.
BUT, the thing is, British Columbia is more actively sending out invitations to candidates as compared to other provinces. That’s why we recommend that if you receive an invitation from the province, do make sure to go for it!
Advantages of Working in British Columbia
Working abroad does not have one but several advantages! The perks of working in British Columbia are many to count. For starters, when a person works in Canada, or British Columbia to be specific, they have the chance to live there. Personally, for me, this is quite a big deal. If I got to work in another country, I would.
Moreover, those working in British Columbia will have the chance to earn a higher wage. Isn’t that why we choose to work in another country? So that we could earn more? Yeah, we all do.
Now that’s about living in another country and earning more. What are other advantages of working in British Columbia? You will have several employment rights when working in this province. Your employer would not be able to abuse or exploit your skills.
You will receive medical benefits like any other Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
Aren’t these benefits cool? They are, right?! That’s why we said, working abroad is good.
Must Know: Why do Punjabis want to go to Canada?