BC PNP Skills Immigration Latest Draw: 76+ Candidates Invited

On 7th May 2024, British Columbia held its latest Skills Immigration rounds of draw to send more than 76 invitations. These invites were sent to candidates so they can now apply for provincial nomination to the BC PNP. 

Invited candidates can apply to the Skilled Worker and International Graduate (EEBC option included) streams. There were five targeted rounds:

  • Tech
  • Childcare
  • Construction
  • Healthcare
  • Veterinary Care

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The number of invites each category received and the minimum score is provided below:

  1. Highest number of invites were sent to Tech category, 41. Those scoring at least 120 score received an invitation.
  2. Construction and healthcare, each category received 12 invites, and the minimum scores were 93 and 100 respectively. 
  3. 11 invites were sent to the childcare category, and the minimum score required was 90. 
  4. Less than 5 invites were sent to candidates for the veterinary care category. The lowest score requirement was 80 points. 

This was the first BC PNP draw of the month. Since British Columbia conducts a draw every Tuesday, hence its expected that the next ones for the month of May would be on the following dates:

  • 14 May
  • 21 May
  • 28 May

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Niyati Chaurasia

Niyati Chaurasia

Niyati’s specialty lies in Canadian immigration matters along with crafting helpful, user-oriented content.

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