144+ Candidates Invited in Latest  British Columbia PNP Draws


In the latest British Columbia PNP draws, the province called for over 144 candidates to apply for a provincial nomination. These candidates can apply to any of the following streams, for which they qualify:

  • Skilled Worker
  • International Graduate
  • Entry level and semi-skilled 

Note: Both the Skilled Worker and International Graduate streams offer the EEBC option to those who qualify. 

There were a total of 5 rounds of BC PNP draws conducted on 7th August 2024, Thursday, and one of the draws held was a general round. The other four were targeted for the following priority occupations:

  • Childcare 
  • Healthcare 
  • Construction 
  • Veterinary Care

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BC PNP Draw – 07 August


The latest BC PNP draw details, consisting of the number of invitations issued and the minimum score threshold for each round, are provided below:

  • 59 ITAs were issued to candidates in a general round of draw. The minimum score for those applying through the Skilled Worker or International Graduate streams was 132 points. However, those applying through the entry level and semi-skilled stream required to score only 110 points.
  • 32 candidates were invited to apply to the childcare stream, if they had a score of at least 88 points
  • 29 ITAs were issued to those in the construction occupation with a score of at least 90 EOI points 
  • For the healthcare category, 24 candidates were invited to apply if they scored at least 101 points
  • Less than 5 ITAs were issued to those in the veterinary care profession, the minimum score requirement was of 80 points

Don’t forget to fill out the form below for some insights and advice from our experts! 

Niyati Chaurasia

Niyati Chaurasia

Niyati’s specialty lies in Canadian immigration matters along with crafting helpful, user-oriented content.

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