1140 Express Entry Candidates Gets Invited By Manitoba!

2021 Is Set To Break All The Records! Numbers Of Manitoba Invitations In 2021 Rose Up To 6,139 were invited 1,140 Express Entry candidates.


Manitoba’s immigration program acquired triumph on July 27. This province invited 1,140 Express Entry candidates to apply for a provincial nomination. This is the highest count ever in the single draw. 

1. Number of LAAS issued – 1140

2. Ranking score cut-off – 557

On June 28, Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) invited 1017 Express Entry candidates. On July 27 a new record was set beating the older one. 

All the eligible candidates invited for a provincial nomination were invited from the skilled worker’s overseas stream. The only condition is that they must have previously submitted a profile to Manitoba’s Expression of Interest (MEI) system. The other requirement was the candidates must have an EOI score of at least 557 to receive the Letter Advice to Apply (LAA). 

The score required is tabulated based on Manitoba’s EOI scoring matrix. It may be confused with the Comprehensive Ranking System; however, it is not the same. For the draw held on July 27, there was no CRS required. 

If invited candidates were to get provincial nominations from Manitoba, they will automatically get 600 points added to their score. This is nothing new to Manitoba. Any provincial nomination linked with the Express Entry profile will give the same reward, which often puts provincial nominees at the top of the line to receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for Permanent Residence.

Manitoba Immigration Programs

Manitoba has a number of immigration programs that are dedicated to attracting international talent to settle in the province. The immigration is managed by Provincial Government through the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program, which further supports applications to the federal government. The Canadian Provinces are not known to have the ability to give out Permanent Residency status, but they can be of help by issuing provincial nominations. 

If you are looking forward to getting benefits from a nomination of Manitoba, then you need to register an Express of Interest (EOI) with the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP). This will put you in the position to receive an LAA through the skilled workers in Manitoba and Skilled workers overseas streams. 

Then the candidates are ranked out of 1000 points for their human capital factors, as well as their connections to the province. 

The two categories of Manitoba streams are designed to allow the province to identify candidates who meet its labour market needs. 

Candidates living outside Manitoba need to show their connections to Manitoba through the likes of close family ties, their previous experience in the province, or an invitation through one of Manitoba’s Strategic Requirement initiatives. However, it is not important for you to live in Manitoba at the time of your application to be eligible. 

You need to have a full-time job offer from a provincial employer, in order to receive an invitation under the skilled workers in the Manitoba category. 

International students who have completed their graduation in Manitoba are eligible to receive an invitation under the International Education Stream. This is only possible if they can prove that they have in-demand skills. 

Need more insights on the same? Get in touch with best immigration consultants in Delhi today!

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Talent Connected Worldwide

Talent Connected Worldwide

At Talent Connected Worldwide Pvt. Ltd., we are passionate about unlocking your potential on a global scale. As your trusted immigration partner, we guide individuals and businesses through the complexities of navigating international pathways, connecting you with the opportunities and destinations that match your aspirations. With expertise in diverse visa categories, comprehensive support, and a client-centric approach, we empower you to write your next chapter – wherever your dreams may lead. Contact us today and let's embark on your journey together.

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