What is the cost of living in Canada for a new immigrant?

What is the cost of living in Canada for a new immigrant?

What is the cost of living in Canada for a new immigrant? If we are talking about a family of two, then the average monthly expenditure would be above $2,500. We are not including rent in that amount. It is good to know how much things are going to cost you before you think about moving abroad. This will help you to know how to save money while working in Canada! To know more on this topic, we present you with a blog that will help you with just that!

Average Cost of Living in Canada

On average, living in Canada is not that expensive. Unless you are living a luxurious life, well then that’s a different topic. But, if you are not, then Canada may not make you empty your pockets. 

If you live a balanced life, and try not to spend in places where you do not need to, you might be able to live a good life without worrying about your expenses. A single person living in Canada, would need to spend around $735 per month. On the other hand, a family of 4 people would cost around $2,320 a month. This is not so bad, huh?

Do you know where most of our money gets spent? We have mentioned the places below! 

Living Expenses depend on

Where do you think most of our salaries go? Sometimes we feel like spending money like there’s no tomorrow. Other times we save money as if our bank balances are in negative. In any case, it is good to know where we should spend our money with a closed fist so we wouldn’t be regretting our decision later on, right? 

Most of the expenses are household related. In Canada, some items cost more than others. This is why we should be aware of the price tag before purchasing things. Under the household expenses comes:- food, drinks, home, clothing, commute, health insurance, other basic necessities, etc. 

The average amount you would need to spend on food on a monthly basis should be around $300. If you are shopping from general, local markets, you would not only be supporting small and medium business owners of the locality, but you would also be saving yourself from spending a lot of, totally unnecessary, money. 

Many people would go to Canada because of its widely spread good reputation, and the fame that the government of Canada has for being so inclusive and respectful for all kinds of people. We also recommend that you go to Canada for the same reasons. 

Niyati Chaurasia

Niyati Chaurasia

Niyati’s specialty lies in Canadian immigration matters along with crafting helpful, user-oriented content.

Articles: 693

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