“Is Canada becoming popular for Ukrainians”? This thought is coming in everyone’s mind because a large number of Ukrainians are applying for visas to come to Canada. When Russia invaded Ukraine, more than seven million Ukrainians were forced to flee the country, accounting for 20% of the country’s population. So, why do so many Ukrainians choose Canada? Is Canada a safe country? Let’s discuss it in this blog!
Why is Canada so popular among Ukrainian refugees?
For a variety of reasons, Canada is a popular destination. To begin, Canada has the world’s largest Ukrainian community. In other words, more Ukrainians living outside of Ukraine live in Canada than in any other country. According to the 2016 Census, approximately 1.36 million persons, or close to 4% of the Canadian population, listed Ukrainian as one of their ethnic origins.
What is Canada doing for the displaced Ukrainians?
Canada has taken a slightly different approach to displaced Ukrainians. Instead of being brought across as refugees, they are more frequently entering Canada through the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET).
Ukrainians and their immediate family members of any country may stay in Canada as temporary residents for up to three years under CUAET. There are no application fees for a visiting visa, and they may apply for an open work permit at the same time.
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What can Canadians do to help Ukrainian immigrants?
According to the Canadian government, all Canadians can donate and volunteer to help Ukrainians both in Canada and overseas. One option is to provide lodging for newcomers. There are groups in each province that will match volunteers with Ukrainian newcomers’ housing requirements.
Employers who use jobbank.ca can also signal that they want to hire a Ukrainian newcomer by taking a few simple steps.
- Join Job Bank as an employer.
- Make a new job posting and save it in draft mode.
- Contact the Job Bank and mention the job posting reference number to let them know you wish to hire Ukrainian nationals.
Province and Territory-Specific Measures
1. Alberta
Alberta has implemented temporary steps to assist Ukrainian nationals who wish to apply for the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP). Applications and post-decision services are given priority processing by AAIP. The province is waiving application and post-decision service fees for new and current Ukrainian national applications.
2. British Columbia
The province of British Columbia has developed a portal called Welcoming Ukraine to help Ukrainians who are moving to the province: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/tourism-immigration/ukraine/welcome
3. Manitoba
Manitoba’s government is responding to the situation in Ukraine by holding frequent Expressions of Interest (EOI) draws for individuals who meet all Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program eligibility criteria and are affected by continuing events in Ukraine.
4. New Brunswick
New Brunswick provides a website in both English and Ukrainian that directs Ukrainian newcomers to assistance services throughout the province.
5. Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island also has a website that leads Ukrainians to provincial support services and encourages Ukrainian newcomers to register with the province’s immigrant and refugee services for further specific help.
6. Ontario
The government of Ontario maintains a website that directs Ukrainian nationals to settlement assistance and immigration-related information. The page is accessible in Ukrainian as a PDF.
- Ontario also has a number of assistance programs for Ukrainian newcomers, including:
- Access to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP), which covers health care assistance and services, including mental health services.
- Ukrainians can obtain drug benefits through OHIP qualifying or by receiving emergency financial assistance.
- Emergency housing is available through settlement assistance agencies and Ukrainian community organizations, including host homes and other temporary settings that Ukrainians may require until long-term arrangements can be found.
- Ensure that Ukrainian elementary and secondary school students have free access to publicly supported schools.
Due to these measures and support for Ukraine. Most of Ukrainians want to move to Canada.
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