Canada PR


262 Express Entry Draw: Apply now

The Express Entry Draw 262 is out and this time, it has called for 4,300 candidates from the Express Entry Draw. The minimum CRS score considered in this round of draw was 496. Since August started, this is the fourth draw that has come out, but it’s not a surprise that…

जानिए कनाडा जाने का खर्चा क्या है और कौन से दस्तावेजों की पड़ेगी जरूरत?

कनाडा जाने की प्रक्रिया आपके उद्देश्य पर निर्भर करता है। हालांकि, यदि आप एक छात्र हैं। तो आपके लिए कनाडा में शिक्षा प्राप्त करना एक उचित विकल्प है। यहां आपको स्कॉलरशिप के साथ कई लाभ मिलेंगे। लेकिन कनाडा में अध्ययन प्राप्त करने के लिए Canada Student Visa चाहिए। वहीं हम आपको…


Total Cost for Canada PR from India: Detailed information

Cost is the foremost factor anyone considers while dreaming of settling in Canada. Canada offers various immigration programs to enable eligible skilled workers, graduates, as well as entrepreneurs to settle in the country and contribute to its economy and society. This blog gives a detailed breakdown of the total cost for…


10 Amazing Tips to Learn French for Canada PR! 

Curious to learn French for Canada PR? But don’t know where to begin? Here is a list of ten tips to help you learn French rapidly. There are various benefits of Canada PR and learning French for Canada PR can help people who are applying for PR in Canada, especially if…

Why Is Nova Scotia the Best Place to Immigrate?

Why is Nova Scotia the Best Place to Immigrate?

Preparing for immigration to Canada but unsure which province to settle in? Nova Scotia is the best place to immigrate. Know how!  Why is Nova Scotia the best place to immigrate? There are numerous reasons why you should consider relocating to this marine province of Canada. It’s one of Canada’s top…

How to settle in Canada from India

How to Settle in Canada from India?

How to settle in Canada from India with family? If you have a question in your mind about how to settle in Canada from India then you must take into account a few more factors while applying for Canada PR. If you are an Indian immigrant with a family moving to…