Canada Immigration


Study and Work in Canada For International Students

Do you know that it’s completely possible to work and study in Canada at the same time?! Canada is the kind of country that actually encourages international students to study as well as work.  In this blog, we are going to talk about the same! Work and Study in Canada at…


Canada Driving Licence: आवेदन प्रक्रिया, दस्तावेज और नियम 

कनाडा में भारतीयों की संख्या काफी बड़ी है। भारत का हर दूसरा युवा कनाडा में नौकरी करना चाहता है। जिसका सबसे बड़ा कारण है, कनाडा में नौकरी के अधिक अवसर। और इसी वजह से ज्यादातर युवा कनाडा में ही सेटल होना चाहते हैं। वहीं, कनाडा में रह रहे हजारों-लाखों भारतीय वहां…


How long does it take to Sponsor Parents to Canada?

Do you wish to give your parents and grandparents the beautiful life that they deserve? Apply for their sponsorship today so they can come to Canada to you and live a better life! And if you want to know how long it takes to sponsor YOUR parents to Canada, the answer…


Manitoba Issues 254 LAAs in Latest Draw

Manitoba consistently conducts PNP draws. Hence, on 28th December, Thursday, it once again held a draw and called for 254 candidates. The candidates received invitations from three different streams. Let’s know about this in detail below.  Check Out: Live PNP Draw Tracker Manitoba Latest Draw Manitoba held its latest draw to…


Over 1,300 Candidates Invited in Latest PNP Draws

In the latest PNP draws, Manitoba, British Columbia and Prince Edward Island issued invitations to eligible candidates. All in all, 1,372 candidates received invitations, the province that invited most candidates was Manitoba.  Every year, so many students go to Canada from India for study purposes, hoping to use that education in…


Manitoba Career Employment Pathway: Eligibility & Steps

Manitoba Career Employment Pathway under the MPNP International Education Stream helps eligible post-graduate students who graduate from an institution in Manitoba and get a job in the province in an in-demand occupation. If you meet both the conditions, you will be eligible to apply through the MPNP Career Employment Pathway immediately…