2. Managers in transportation and postal and courier services
5. Machining, Metal forming, shaping and erecting trades
6. Technical electrical trades and electrical power line and telecommunications workers
7. Plumbers, pipefitters and gas fitters
8. Carpenters and cabinetmakers
10. Machinery and transportation equipment mechanics
11. Automotive service technicians
12 Small engine and equipment mechanics and related repairers
13. Crane operators and water well drillers
14. Transportation officers and controllers
16. Concrete finishers, tilesetters and plasterers
17. Roofers, glaziers, painters, decorators and floor covering installers
18. Building maintenance installers, servicers and repairers
19. Transport truck and transit drivers
20. Train crew operating occupations
21. Operators, drillers and blasters
22. Mail and message distribution occupations
23. Transport equipment operators, utility maintenance and related maintenance workers
24. Longshore workers and material handlers
25. Trades helpers and labourers
26. Taxi and personal service and delivery service drivers
27. Water and rail transport operators and labourers and related occupations
What is the National Occupational Classification?
Canada’s official system for classifying work in accordance with a person’s responsibilities and field of endeavor is known as the NOC Code. Every ten years, the National Occupational Classification is updated. The TEER system, created by ESDC and StatCan, will be introduced in NOC 2021 version 1.0.
What is the TEER system?
Training, Education, Experience, and Responsibilities make up this acronym. The new 2021 NOC codes’ competence levels are replaced by the TEER system. The TEER lists the least credentials needed for employment in the NOC codes that fall under it in terms of education and experience. There are 6 TEER levels in the NOC 2021 version 1.0.
In each of the most recent 2021 NOC codes, the second digits stand in for the TEER level. In the field of occupations in education, legal, social, community, and government services, five-digit NOC codes for BOC 7 are listed in this article.
List of jobs in BOC 7: Trades, transport and equipment operators, and related occupations
TEER level 0: Managers in construction and facility operation and maintenance
In BOC 7 TEER level 0, there are mostly management occupations. NOC code: 0711 converted into NOC code: 70010 - Construction managers. The professions in this skill category are:
- Branch director of building materials
- Jobs as a manager in
- Construction operations
- Residential construction manager and site
- Bridge and building construction
- Highway construction
- Housing construction
- Industrial construction
- Commercial construction
- Construction assistant
- Construction special project
- Construction
- Pipeline construction
- Construction project coordinator
- Bridge construction superintendent
- Building construction general contractor and superintendent
- Construction project manager, project superintendent, senior project manager, and site manager.
- General contractor
- Construction expediter
- Construction site superintendent
- Construction superintendent
- Construction general contractor
- Construction general superintendent
- Pipeline construction superintendent
NOC code: 0712 converted into NOC code: 70011 - Home building and renovation managers. The professions in this skill category are:
- Builder
- Housing renovator
- Low-rise residential home builder
- Builder – renovation
- Residential homes and renovation contractor
- Housing rehabilitation specialist – builder
- Rehabilitation and renovation specialist
- Renovation Home renovation contractor
- Builder – residential
- Residential home builder
- Home building contractor
NOC code: 0714 converted into NOC code: 70012 - Facility operation and maintenance managers. The professions in this skill category are:
- Jobs as a manager of
- Airport
- Airport services
- Distribution centre
- Facility maintenance
- Airport terminal
- Assistant shopping mall
- Assistant warehouse
- Property
- Recreation facility
- School maintenance
- Athletic facility
- Building maintenance
- Building operations
- Arena
- Assistant grain elevator
- Assistant shopping centre
- Building services
- Campus maintenance
- Cemetery
- Conference centre
- Warehouse operations
- Warehousing
- Facility operations
- Fitness facility
- Grain elevator district
- Grain terminal elevator
- Industrial maintenance
- Tennis court
- Tobacco warehouse
- University maintenance
- Warehouse and distribution centre
- Shopping centre maintenance
- Maintenance and service
- Shopping centre
- Maintenance operations
- Warehouse
- Maintenance
- Maintenance services
- Marina
- Shopping mall maintenance
- Shopping mall
- Sports facility
- Stadium
- Director of maintenance
- Electrical superintendent
- Facilities maintenance head
- Port director
- Building maintenance head
- Building services head
- Canal director
- Canal superintendent
- Warehouse superintendent
- manager
- Facility management director
- Harbour master
- Maintenance superintendent
- Maintenance support services chief
- Marina operator
- Mechanical services superintendent
- Plant maintenance superintendent
- Maintenance and service superintendent
- Maintenance coordinator
- Maintenance director
- Maintenance operations superintendent
- Maintenance planner
- Managers of facility operations and maintenance now hold positions under NOC 70012 rather than NOC 0714.
- The NOC 6221 was divided. From NOC 6221 to NOC 70012, the positions of “Grain Elevator District Manager,” “Grain Elevator Manager,” and “Assistant Grain Elevator Manager” were all created.
TEER level 0: Managers in transportation and postal and courier services
NOC code: 0731 converted into NOC code: 70020 - Managers in transportation. The professions in this skill category are:
- Managers in transportation
- Air freight manager
- Assistant traffic manager
- Assistant transportation manager
- Bus company manager
- Cartage company manager
- Airline division manager
- Distribution manager – logistics
- Ocean freight manager
- Airline express manager
- Airline fleet operations manager
- Airline flight schedule design manager
- Airline manager
- Corporate traffic manager – transportation
- Corporate transportation manager
- Flight operations manager
- Flight schedulers manager
- Freight company manager
- Freight division manager
- Cruise ship line manager
- Current schedule planning manager – airline
- Rail transport manager
- Railway freight manager
- Distribution operations manager – logistics
- Distribution services manager
- Export traffic manager
- Ferry operations manager
- Freight forwarding manager
- Freight traffic manager
- General traffic manager – transportation
- General transportation manager
- Global logistics manager
- Import traffic manager
- Integrated logistics manager
- International traffic manager
- Logistics analytics manager
- Transportation and traffic manager
- Urban transit system manager
- Water transport manager
- Transportation fleet manager
- Transportation logistics manager
- Logistics solution manager
- Marine operations manager
- Motor transport manager
- Moving company manager
- Railway manager
- Marine transportation operations manager
- Railway passenger operations manager
- Railway transport area manager
- Runway manager
- Ship line manager
- Ship management operations manager
- Shipping and warehousing service manager
- Shipping services manager
- Tow truck company manager
- Transfer company manager
- Transport department manager
- Transportation manager
- Airline division superintendent
- Distribution director
- Airline superintendent
- Assistant general agent – railway
- Assistant superintendent – railway
- Freight forwarder
- Director of logistics – transportation
- Director of operations – transportation
- Director of traffic – transportation
- Director of transportation
- Distribution and warehousing manager
- Port captain – water transport
- Rail operations superintendent
- Railway division superintendent
- Ferry superintendent
- Flight operations director
- Integrated logistics programs director
- Logistics director – transportation
- Transportation director
- Logistics manager – transportation
- Logistics operations director
- Marine operations superintendent
- Marine superintendent
- Railway transport general agent
- Ramp manager – airline
- Transportation superintendent
- Travel and relocation department manager
- Shore captain – water transport
- Superintendent of transportation
- Traffic and transportation assistant manager
- Traffic manager
- Transport
- Transportation
- water transport
- Transportation management director
NOC code: 0132 converted into NOC code: 70021 - Postal and courier services managers. The professions in this skill category are:
- Managers in Postal and courier services
- Area manager – postal service
- Postal area manager
- Postal zone facilities manager
- Collection and delivery operations manager
- Messenger service manager
- Parcel processing plant manager
- Courier service manager
- Post office manager
- Mail operations manager
- Postal zone manager
- Mail processing plant manager
- Postal station superintendent
- Collection and delivery operations manager – postal service
- Mail processing plant superintendent
- Plant manager – postal and courier services
- Commercial development manager – postal and courier services
- Delivery service manager – postal and courier services
- Plant superintendent – postal and courier services
- District post office director
- Field service manager – postal and courier services
- Production control manager – postal service
- Regional services manager – postal and courier services
- Plant operations manager – postal service
BOC 7 followed NOC 0132 to the transportation industry (Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations).
TEER level 2: Contractors and supervisors, technical industrial, electrical and construction trades and related workers
NOC code: 7201 converted into NOC code: 72010 - Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations. The professions in this skill category are:
- Automotive machine shop foreman/woman
- Blacksmith foreman/woman
- Coppersmith foreman/woman
- Electric welding pipe mill headwelder
- Blacksmith shop foreman/woman
- Boilermaker foreman/woman
- Boilermaker supervisor
- Machining tool operators foreman/woman
- Machinists and machine tool set-up operators foreman/woman
- Machinists foreman/woman
- Mould shop foreman/woman – machining
- Pattern shop foreman/woman – metal machining
- Plate shop foreman/woman
- Platework fabricator supervisor
- Platework fabricators foreman/woman
- Machinists supervisor
- Maintenance machine shop foreman/woman
- Metal fabricator foreman/woman
- Metal fitters foreman/woman
- Metal mould and metal patternmakers foreman/woman
- Boilermaker, plater and structural metal worker foreman/woman
- Boilermaking shop foreman/woman
- Construction ironwork contractor
- Ironwork contractor and supervisor
- Ironworkers foreman/woman
- Machine shop foreman/woman and inspectors foreman/woman
- Precision instrument machine shop foreman/woman
- Production machine shop foreman/woman
- Production supervisor – machine shop
- Machine shop supervisor
- Machine tool grinding foreman/woman
- Machine tool operators foreman/woman
- Machining and tooling inspectors foreman/woman
- Machining foreman/woman, inspectors foreman/woman, supervisor
- Quality control foreman/woman – metal machining
- Sheet metal contractor and roofer supervisor
- Machining tool foreman/woman
- Metal mould and metal patternmakers supervisor
- Metal shapers foreman/woman
- Metal shipwright foreman/woman
- Metal-machining inspection foreman/woman
- Metalwork forming, shaping and installing contractor
- Sheet metal roofing contractor and workers foreman/woman, and workers supervisor
- Toolroom foreman/woman
- Welder foreman/woman and supervisor
- Tooling foreman/woman, inspectors foreman/woman, inspectors supervisor, supervisor
- Ship riggers foreman/woman
- Shipfitters foreman/woman
- Tool and die
- inspectors supervisor
- makers foreman/woman
- makers supervisor
- making supervisor
- Shipyard machine shop foreman/woman
- Steel fitter foreman/woman – metal fabrication
- Steel frame erectors foreman/woman
- Steel rigger foreman/woman
- Steel structure erectors foreman/woman
- Steel structure forming, shaping and erecting contractor
- Steel truss erectors foreman/woman
- Structural metal erector foreman/woman and fabricator foreman/woman
- Welding contractor and supervisor
- Zinc roofers foreman/woman
- Structural metal fitter supervisor
- Structural steel contractor and erecting contractor
- Structural steel worker foreman/woman
- Tool and die inspectors foreman/woman
NOC code: 7202 converted into NOC code: 72011 - Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations. The professions in this skill category are:
- Cable installation and repair foreman/woman – telecommunications
- Cable installation contractor, foreman/woman, and supervisor
- Cable television system installers and repairers foreman/woman
- Cable workers front line supervisor
- Cablevision technician supervisor and foreman/woman
- Construction electricians supervisor
- Contractor-electrician
- Electric meter installers foreman/woman and supervisor
- Cable installers and repairers foreman/woman – telecommunications
- Cable maintenance and repair supervisor
- Cable splicers foreman/woman – telecommunications
- Cable splicing foreman/woman – telecommunications
- Electrical appliances installation foreman/woman
- Electrical construction contractor and foreman/woman
- Electrical contractor
- Electrical equipment installation and repair foreman/woman
- Electrical foreman/woman
- Electrical installation contractor and supervisor
- Electrical load tester supervisor
- Chief electrician
- Communications foreman/woman
- Construction electricians and repairers foreman/woman
- Construction electricians foreman/woman
- Electrical power inspector and tester supervisor
- Electrical supervisor – drilling rig
- Electrical systems contractor
- Electrical wiring inspector supervisor and installation contractor
- Electrician foreman/woman and contractor
- Electrician’s supervisor
- Emergency team foreman/woman – telecommunications
- Industrial electricians foreman/woman and supervisor
- Installation foreman/woman – telecommunications
- Installers and repairers foreman/woman – telecommunications
- Line and cable contractor
- Line and cable installation and maintenance supervisor and foreman/woman
- Line and cable repairer foreman/woman – power lines
- Line and cable workers supervisor
- Line foreman/woman – power lines
- Factory electrician supervisor
- Power line
- maintenance workers front line supervisor
- repair foreman/woman
- repairers foreman/woman
- service foreman/woman
- technician foreman/woman
- Power linemen/women and cable installers supervisor
- Front line supervisor – power line maintenance
- Head-office repair supervisor
- Industrial electrical systems foreman/woman
- Line foreman/woman – telecommunications
- Maintenance electricians foreman/woman
- Maintenance electricians supervisor
- Marine electricians foreman/woman
- Meter installers and repairers foreman/woman
- Microwave system foreman/woman
- Plant electrician supervisor
- Telecommunication line
- maintenance supervisor
- repair foreman/woman
- repairers foreman/woman
- service supervisor
- Telecommunication service foreman/woman
- Telecommunication system installers and repairers foreman/woman
- Power line and cable workers foreman/woman
- Power system electricians supervisor
- Telephone installation supervisor
- Trouble foreman/woman – telecommunications
- Troubleshooter foreman/woman – telecommunications
- Power systems electricians foreman/woman and supervisor
- Telecommunication installation and repair worker foreman/woman
- Telecommunication line installation, repair and testing foreman/woman
- Telecommunication line installation, repair and testing supervisor
- Telecommunication line installers, repairers and testers foreman/woman
- Telecommunication line maintenance foreman/woman
- Telecommunications contractor
- Residential electrician supervisor
- Signaling system installation foreman/woman
- Telecommunication cable installation foreman/woman
- Telecommunications supervisor
- Telephone equipment installers foreman/woman
- Telephone installation foreman/woman
- Underground electrical conduit foreman/woman
NOC code: 7203 converted into NOC code: 72012 - Contractors and supervisors, pipefitting trades. The professions in this skill category are:
- Fire protection equipment installer foreman/woman
- Gas fitters foreman/woman
- Sprinkler system
- contractor
- installer foreman/woman
- installers supervisor
- Gas fitters supervisor
- Gas line fitters foreman/woman
- Plumbing and heating contractor
- Plumbing contractor
- Sprinkler fitters foreman/woman
- Gas service foreman/woman
- Gas service supervisor
- Marine pipe fitters foreman/woman
- Marine pipefitters foreman/woman
- Pipefitters foreman/woman and supervisor
- Pipefitting contractor
- Steamfitter foreman/woman
- Steamfitters’ supervisor
- Plumber foreman/woman
- Plumbers supervisor
NOC code: 7204 converted into NOC code: 72013 - Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades. The professions in this skill category are:
- Cabinetmakers foreman/woman
- Cabinetmaking contractor
- General supervisor – building construction
- General supervisor – residential construction
- Maintenance carpenters foreman/woman
- Carpenter supervisor and contractor
- Carpenters foreman/woman
- Carpentry contractor
- Contractor-carpenter
- Finish carpenters foreman/woman
- Residential construction foreman/woman and supervisor
- Ship joiners foreman/woman
- Stair builders foreman/woman
- Finish joiners foreman/woman
- Form builders foreman/woman
- Framers foreman/woman
- General carpenters foreman/woman
- General foreman/woman – building construction
- Carpentry foreman/woman and supervisor
- Wood frame building foreman/woman
- Wood patternmakers foreman/woman
- Concrete form builders foreman/woman – carpentry
- General foreman/woman – residential construction
NOC code: 7205 converted into NOC code: 72014 - Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers. The professions in this skill category are:
- Brick masonry contractor
- Bricklayer foreman/woman
- Bricklayer supervisor and contractor
- Bricklaying and masonry contractor
- Building insulation specialists foreman/woman and supervisor
- Building insulators foreman/woman
- Building maintenance supervisor
- Camera repair shop supervisor
- Asphalt roofers foreman/woman, contractor and foreman/woman
- Bicycle repair shop supervisor
- Boiler and pipe insulation specialists foreman/woman
- Boiler and pipe insulators foreman/woman
- Brick and stone masons foreman/woman
- Cement finisher foreman/woman and contractor
- Cement smoother foreman/woman
- Concrete and cement finishers foreman/woman and contractor
- Bricklaying contractor
- Bridge painters foreman/woman
- Building insulation material installation foreman/woman
- Concrete finishers foreman/woman
- Concrete finishing foreman/woman
- Construction painters foreman/woman
- Contractor-roofer (except metal roofs)
- Customer service supervisor – housing construction
- Drywaller-contractor
- Eavestrough contractor
- Eavestrough installation contractor
- Exterminating service supervisor
- Decorating foreman/woman – construction
- Decorators foreman/woman
- Drywall application contractor and applicators foreman/woman and contractor and installer supervisor
- Construction painters supervisor
- Contractor-floor coverer
- Contractor-glazier
- Contractor-plasterer
- Floor covering contractor
- Floor covering foreman/woman
- Fence contractor
- Fibre glass insulation specialists foreman/woman
- Fibre insulation foreman/woman
- Fibre insulators foreman/woman
- Fireproofing plasterers foreman/woman
- Glass installers foreman/woman
- Glazier supervisor
- Glazier-contractor
- Glaziers foreman/woman, contractor, and supervisor
- Greenhouse installers foreman/woman
- Hot water heater installation contractor
- Hothouse installers foreman/woman
- Insulating contractor
- Insulation contractor
- Fireproofing plastering foreman/woman
- Floor and wall covering installers foreman/woman
- Floor coverer-contractor
- Decorating contractor
- Floor covering supervisor
- Foam insulation foreman/woman
- Foam insulators foreman/woman
- Glass installation and repair contractor and foreman/woman
- Marble and terrazzo setting contractor
- Marble setters foreman/woman
- Marble setting foreman/woman
- Painter foreman/woman – construction
- Insulation foreman/woman, specialists foreman/woman, and supervisor
- Insulators foreman/woman
- Interlocking paving stone contractor
- Paperhanging foreman/woman
- Pest control branch supervisor, division supervisor, and supervisor
- Plasterer foreman/woman and contractor
- Plastering and drywall application contractor
- Latherer supervisor
- Lathers foreman/woman
- Plastering supervisor
- Pool and patio contractor
- Race track maintenance superintendent
- Refractory bricklayer foreman/woman
- Refrigeration and air conditioning equipment insulators foreman/woman
- Roof shinglers supervisor
- Roof shingling supervisor
- Roofer-contractor (except metal roofs)
- Roofers (except sheet metal roofs) foreman/woman
- Roofers and shinglers supervisor
- Roofers foreman/woman
- Lathers supervisor
- Marble and terrazzo contractor-setter
- Marble and terrazzo setter-contractor
- Painters and decorators foreman/woman and supervisor
- Painting and wallpapering contractor
- Painting contractor and supervisor – construction
- Paperhangers foreman/woman
- Paperhanging contractor
- Plastering and drywalling contractor
- Plastering contractor
- Roofing contractor
- Wood shingle roofing contractor
- Swimming pool contractor and installation contractor
- Terrazzo
- finishing contractor
- polisher-contractor
- polishing contractor
- setters foreman/woman
- Tile and marble contractor
- Tile, terrazzo and marble setting contractor
- Roofing contractor (except sheet metal roofs) and supervisor
- Septic system contractor
- Shingle roofing contractor
- Siding contractor
- Stain glass installers foreman/woman
- Stained glass glaziers foreman/woman
- Stonemason foreman/woman
- Stonemasonry contractor
- Stucco plasterers foreman/woman
- Supervisor bricklaying and cement finishing
- Tilesetters foreman/woman
- Tilesetters supervisor
- Tilesetting contractor and supervisor
- Waterproofers foreman/woman
- Waterproofing foreman/woman
- Wood shingle roofers foreman/woman
TEER level 2: Contractors and supervisors, technical maintenance trades and heavy equipment and transport operators
NOC code: 7301 converted into NOC code: 72020 - Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades. The professions in this skill category are
- Aircraft maintenance engineers (AME) supervisor
- Aircraft mechanical
- systems maintenance supervisor
- systems mechanics foreman/woman
- inspectors foreman/woman
- repairers foreman/woman – mechanical systems
- Aircraft maintenance mechanics foreman/woman – aircraft mechanical systems
- Air conditioning and refrigeration contractor, foreman/woman, and mechanic foreman/woman
- Air conditioning contractor and mechanics foreman/woman
- Aircraft engine
- assemblers foreman/woman
- assembly foreman/woman
- fitters foreman/woman
- overhaul foreman/woman
- repair foreman/woman
- Aircraft hydraulics repair shop foreman/woman
- Aircraft maintenance
- Chief
- engineer (AME) chief
- service supervisor
- Aircraft maintenance supervisor – aircraft mechanical systems
- Aircraft mechanical systems maintenance service supervisor
- Aircraft mechanics foreman/woman
- Aircraft propeller repair foreman/woman
- Aircraft servicing foreman/woman and supervisor
- Appliance repair
- Contractor
- shop foreman/woman
- shop supervisor
- Assembly mechanics foreman/woman
- Helicopter maintenance foreman/woman – mechanical systems
- Boat engine repair foreman/woman
- Body shop foreman/woman and supervisor
- Bus and truck repair foreman/woman
- Carhouse supervisor – railway transportation
- Chief aircraft maintenance engineer (AME)
- Crew chief – aircraft maintenance
- Electric motor repair foreman/woman
- Automobile mechanics foreman/woman
- Automotive body
- repair foreman/woman
- repair shop supervisor
- shop foreman/woman
- shop supervisor
- Automotive
- engine repair foreman/woman
- repair and service shop supervisor
- service mechanics foreman/woman
- service mechanics supervisor
- testing shop supervisor
- Electromechanical technicians foreman/woman
- Elevator construction foreman/woman, constructors foreman/woman, and mechanic foreman/woman
- Y equipment mechanic foreman/woman
- Heavy equipment mechanics supervisor
- Heavy farm equipment assembly foreman/woman
- Heavy machinery assembly foreman/woman
- Electric motor shop foreman/woman
- Electrical appliance repair shop supervisor and mechanics foreman/woman
- Electromechanical foreman/woman
- Household appliance repair shop foreman/woman
- Hydraulic unit repair shop foreman/woman
- Industrial machinery assembly foreman/woman, manufacturing foreman/woman, mechanics foreman/woman, foreman/woman
- Industrial mechanics supervisor
- Machine builders foreman/woman and fitters foreman/woman and supervisor
- Office machine repairers foreman/woman
- Railway equipment maintenance inspectors foreman/woman
- Elevators maintenance service supervisor
- Engine overhaul foreman/woman
- Farm equipment repair foreman/woman
- Furnace installers foreman/woman
- Garage supervisor
- Ground crew foreman/woman – aircraft maintenance
- Heating and air conditioning systems contractor
- Heating system installation and repair contractor
- Industrial, farm and construction machinery mechanics and repairers foreman/woman
- Locomotive erecting shop foreman/woman and inspectors foreman/woman
- Heating systems contractor and mechanics foreman/woman
- Heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) mechanics foreman/woman
- Heavy agricultural machinery assembly foreman/woman
- Heavy construction equipment assembly foreman/woman
- Heavy equipment assembly foreman/woman
- Railway rolling stock assembly foreman/woman
- Mechanical equipment repair inspectors foreman/woman
- Mechanical inspectors foreman/woman
- Small-engine repair shop supervisor
- Processing and packaging equipment maintenance supervisor
- Production equipment maintenance mechanic supervisor
- Oil burner installation foreman/woman
- Machine maintenance foreman/woman – manufacturing
- Machinery assembly foreman/woman
- Machinery manufacturing foreman/woman
- Manufacturing machinery assembly foreman/woman
- Marine service foreman/woman – engine repair
- Mechanical equipment repair inspection foreman/woman
- Motor vehicle mechanics supervisor and repair shop foreman/woman and supervisor
- Motorcycle mechanics foreman/woman
- Oil burner mechanics foreman/woman
- Printer repairers foreman/woman
- Printing machine mechanics foreman/woman, repair foreman/woman, repairers foreman/woman
- Printing press and machine mechanics foreman/woman
- Processing and packaging equipment maintenance foreman/woman
- Production machinery maintenance foreman/woman
- Mechanical maintenance foreman/woman – utilities
- Mechanical maintenance supervisor – manufacturing
- Mechanics foreman/woman
- Metal and woodworking machinery manufacturing foreman/woman
- Meter shop foreman/woman
- Millwright foreman/woman
- Motor vehicle body repairers foreman/woman
- Motor vehicle engine repair foreman/woman and mechanics and repairers foreman/woman
- Railway rolling stock manufacturing foreman/woman
- Refrigeration contractor, foreman/woman, and mechanics foreman/woman
- Roundhouse foreman/woman – railway
- Small engine repair foreman/woman and shop foreman/woman
- Production machinery maintenance mechanic supervisor and foreman/woman
- Propeller repair foreman/woman
- Rail transport equipment repair foreman/woman and repairers foreman/woman
- Railway car inspection foreman/woman and inspectors foreman/woman and maintenance foreman/woman
- Small-equipment repair shop supervisor
- Small-machines repair shop supervisor
- Textile machine mechanics foreman/woman and supervisor
- Textile machinery assembly foreman/woman
- Transformer repair shop foreman/woman
- Turbine assembly foreman/woman
- Wheel shop foreman/woman – railway equipment
- Railway car maintenance supervisor and repairer foreman/woman and supervisor
- Railway equipment department supervisor
NOC code: 7302 converted into NOC code: 72021 - Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews. The professions in this skill category are
- Airport road paving foreman/woman
- Building moving foreman/woman
- Building wrecking contractor and foreman/woman
- Cargo handling supervisor
- Concrete paving foreman/woman
- Concrete-laying gang foreman/woman
- Concrete-paving labour gang foreman/woman
- Dredgemaster – construction
- Dredging equipment operators foreman/woman
- Dredging foreman/woman
- Drilling and blasting foreman/woman – construction
- Dynamiters foreman/woman – construction
- Dynamiting foreman/woman – construction
- Excavating and grading labour foreman/woman
- Construction gang foreman/woman
- Construction site foreman/woman
- Crane crew foreman/woman
- Demolition contractor and foreman/woman
- Ditching foreman/woman
- Airport runways road foreman/woman
- Asphalt paving foreman/woman
- Asphalt paving labour gang foreman/woman
- Blasters foreman/woman – construction
- Bridge and highway construction gang foreman/woman
- Bridge construction foreman/woman
- Building mover contractor and foreman/woman
- Dock foreman/woman – marine cargo
- Excavating contractor
- Excavating equipment operators foreman/woman
- Excavating, grading and paving foreman/woman
- General construction supervisor
- Grading equipment operators foreman/woman
- Heavy construction crew foreman/woman and labourers foreman/woman
- Heavy equipment operators supervisor
- Heavy-duty equipment operators foreman/woman
- Highway and bridge maintenance road boss
- Highway construction boss
- Highway construction foreman/woman
- Excavating, grading and related work foreman/woman
- Excavations superintendent
- Excavator foreman/woman
- Freight handling foreman/woman, loading foreman/woman,and terminal foreman/woman
- Gang foreman/woman – railway
- General construction foreman/woman
- Pipeline installation supervisor
- Pipelines construction foreman/woman
- Public works maintenance equipment operators supervisor
- Public works road maintenance labourer supervisor
- Railway construction and maintenance superintendent
- Highway maintenance foreman/woman
- House mover contractor
- House moving foreman/woman
- Labourers and other elemental workers foreman/woman – construction
- Loading and moving foreman/woman – construction
- Loading dock foreman/woman
- Logging road construction foreman/woman and supervisor
- Paving contractor
- Paving foreman/woman
- Paving gang road boss
- Road gang foreman/woman
- Road maintenance foreman/woman
- Longshore worker superintendent and foreman/woman
- Tarmac paving foreman/woman
- Track boss – railway
- Track foreman/woman – railway
- Paving, surfacing and related work foreman/woman
- Pier foreman/woman
- Pipe laying contractor
- Pipeline construction supervisor
- Railway gang foreman/woman
- Railway section foreman/woman
- Railway track laying foreman/woman, maintenance foreman/woman, section boss
- Road construction boss and foreman/woman
- Water well drilling foreman/woman and supervisor
- Longshoremen/women, stevedores and freight handlers foreman/woman
- Roadmaster – railway
- Runway paving foreman/woman
- Sewer construction foreman/woman and installation foreman/woman
- Shed foreman/woman – construction
- Stevedores foreman/woman
- Stevedoring foreman/woman
- Storage foreman/woman
- Well digging supervisor
- Well drilling contractor and supervisor
- Wrecking crew foreman/woman
- Surface mine blasting foreman/woman
- Well digging contractor
NOC code: 7303 converted into NOC code: 72022 -Supervisors, printing and related occupations. The professions in this skill category are
- Jobs as Supervisors, printing and related occupations
- Binders foreman/woman
- Engraving foreman/woman (except photoengraving)
- Binders supervisor
- Bindery foreman/woman
- Bindery supervisor
- Bindery workers supervisor
- Composing foreman/woman
- Composing room supervisor
- Compositors foreman/woman
- Compositors supervisor
- Finishing foreman/woman
- Letterpress foreman/woman
- Offset lithography foreman/woman
- Offset press foreman/woman
- Offset press operators foreman/woman
- Finishing supervisor
- Hot composition foreman/woman
- Platemaking supervisor
- Plateroom supervisor
- Preparatory supervisor
- Prepress supervisor
- Press supervisor
- Pressroom foreman/woman
- OptiCopy and stripping foreman/woman
- Rotogravure – printing
- Typesetters foreman/woman and supervisor
- Production supervisor
- Film developers foreman/woman and supervisor
- Film printers foreman/woman
- Film processing supervisor, foreman/woman, and supervisor
- Film printing foreman/woman and supervisor
- Film processing foreman/woman
- Filmsetters supervisor
- Gravure printers foreman/woman
- Hand compositors supervisor
- Prepress workers supervisor
- Photocomposer operators supervisor and supervisor
- Photoengravers foreman/woman
- Photographic and film processing foreman/woman
- Rotogravure foreman/woman
- Rotogravure press operators foreman/woman and pressmen/women foreman/woman – printing
- Photographic and film processing supervisor
- Typographers supervisor
- Photographic lab foreman/woman, processing and finishing foreman/woman, and processors supervisor
- Platemakers supervisor
- Printers foreman/woman and supervisor
- Printing press operators supervisor, shop foreman/woman, and supervisor
NOC code: 7304 converted into NOC code: 72023 - Supervisors, railway transport operations. The professions in this skill category are
- Railway transport operations foreman/woman and supervisor
- Passenger train road foreman/woman
- Trainmaster
- Yard foreman/woman – railway
- Yardmaster – railway
NOC code: 7305 converted into NOC code: 72024 - Supervisors, motor transport and other ground transit operators. The professions in this skill category are
- Bus dispatcher
- Light rail transit (LRT) operators foreman/woman and supervisor
- Moving van and School bus drivers supervisor
- Bus drivers supervisor and inspector
- Bus inspector-dispatcher
- Delivery drivers foreman/woman and supervisor
- Subway and streetcar operators supervisor and controller
- Truck driver-supervisor and fleet foreman/woman, and contractor
- Traffic inspector – public transit system and motor transport
- Transit mobile inspector and system inspector
- Truck drivers foreman/woman and supervisor
- Streetcar operators supervisor
- Subway operators supervisor
- Subway system traffic controller and traffic controller
NOC code: 1214 converted into NOC code: 72025 - Supervisors, mail and message distribution occupations. The professions in this skill category are
- Postmaster/mistress
- Mail facilities senior administrator
- Jobs for supervisor in
- Mail room
- Messenger service
- Courier service
- Postal clerks
- Postal station employees
- Letter carriers
- Mail and postal clerks
- Mail carriers
- Mail clerks
- Postal station
- Postal workers
- Assistant postmaster/mistress
BOC 7 followed NOC 1214 to the transportation industry (Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations).
TEER level 2: Machining, Metal forming, shaping and erecting trades
NOC code: 7231 converted into NOC code: 72100 - Machinists and machining and tooling inspectors. The professions in this skill category are
- Aircraft engine parts machinist
- Electrical machinist
- Experimental machinist
- Firearms machining inspector
- Firearms model maker machinist
- Gear inspector-machinist
- Gear tester-machinist
- Aircraft machinist
- Computer numerical control (CNC) machinist
- Bench machinist
- Model maker machinist
- Diesel engine machinist
- Dimensional inspector – machine shop
- General machinist
- Journeyman/woman machinist
- Machine shop charge hand
- Machine shop inspector
- Machined parts inspector
- Numerically controlled (NC) machinist
- Precision machinist
- Printing press machinist
- Computer-assisted machinist
- Machinist apprentice
- Maintenance machinist
- Master machinist
- Machining and tooling inspector and inspector
- Motion picture equipment machinist
- Mould and core machinist
- Tool and die inspector
- Tool and gauge inspector
- Tooling inspector
- Toolroom inspector and machinist
- machinist of Turbine blade and Mould Making
- Prototype machinist
- Set-up machinist
NOC code: 7232 converted into NOC code: 72101 - Tool and die makers. The professions in this skill category are
- Aircraft jig and template maker and tool maker
- Apprentice tool and die maker
- Bench die cutter
- Die cutter
- Die cutter – metalworking
- Die finisher, fitter and maker
- Bench die fitter, and die sinker
- Jig and form maker
- Jig maker
- Injection moulding tool and die maker
- Diamond saw maker and tool maker
- Die maker – jewellery
- Die mouldmaker and reamer
- Bench jig maker, stamping die maker, and tool maker
- Carbide tool maker
- Extrusion die template maker
- Forging die finisher
- Forging die maker
- Gauge maker – tool and die
- Diecast die maker
- Injection mouldmaker
- Jewellery die cutter and die sinker
- Jig maker – metal products manufacturing
- Jig-bore tool maker
- Journeyman/woman tool and die maker
- Metal mould finisher and maker
- Metal mould maker
- Metal patternmaker
- Metal pattern maker apprentice
- Model maker – tool and die
- Die repairer and repairman/woman
- Die sinker
- Die sinker in metalworking
- Jig maker in die casting and plastic moulding
- Motor vehicle jig builder
- Mould maker in plastics processing
- Mould maker apprentice
- Mouldmaker – aircraft
- Precision tool maker
- Progressive die fitter
- Tool maintainer, maintenance man/woman, repairer, repairman/woman
- Toolmaker
- Wire-drawing die maker
- Stamping die finisher
- Steel-rule die maker
- Template maker – tool and die
- Tire mould repairer
- Tool and die maker, maker apprentice, preparer, repairer
- Tool fitter
NOC code: 7233 converted into NOC code: 72102 - Sheet metal workers. The professions in this skill category are
- Sheet metal mechanic, mechanic apprentice, mechanic bench hand, and model maker
- Metal furniture model maker, and patternmaker
- Coppersmith
- Industrial sheet metal worker
- Plant tinsmith
- Sheet metal patternmaker, roofer, work erector, and worker
- Precision sheet metal fabricator and mechanic
- Construction sheet metal worker
- Precision sheet metal worker
- Sheet metal worker in manufacturing
- Sheet metal worker in specialty manufacturing
- Tinsmith – sheet metal work
- Tinsmith roofer Sheet metal installer
- Sheet metal layer-out
NOC code: 7234 converted into NOC code: 72103 - Boilermakers. The professions in this skill category are
- Industrial boilermaker, construction boilermaker, and heat exchanger boilermaker
- Journeyman/woman boilermaker
- Maintenance boilermaker
- Boiler shop mechanic
- Boilermaker apprentice
- Pressure vessel boilermaker and fabricator
- Boilermaker-welder
- Construction boilermaker
- Erection and repair boilermaker
- Boiler fitter, installer, repairer, and repairman/woman
- Marine boilermaker
NOC code: 7235 converted into NOC code: 72104 - Structural metal and platework fabricators and fitters. The professions in this skill category are
- Plater – shipbuilding
- Plater-welder
- Platework fabricator and fitter
- Jobs for Apprentice
- fitter – shipbuilding
- metal fabricator
- metal shipwright
- Shipfitter
- ship’s plater
- Bridge and girder plater
- Fabricator – structural metal
- Fitter – metal fabrication
- Fitter – shipbuilding
- Fitter – structural metal fabrication
- Fitter lead hand – structural metal and platework
- Marine steel fitter
- Metal fabricator – structural metal and platework
- Steel fitter – structural metal
- Steel plate shaper – ships
- Structural metal and platework fabricator apprentice, fitter, and fitter-welder
- Metal fabricator (fitter)
- Structural metal layout marker
- Plater
- Shipbuilding fitter
- Shipfitter
- Apprentice structural steel fabricator
- Metal preparation lead hand – structural metal and platework
- Metal shipwright
- Structural metal fitter
- Structural steel plate worker-fitter
- Structural steelwork and platework fitter
- Structural metal fitter-assembler
- Shipfitter apprentice
- Ship’s plater
- Steel fabricator
- Apprentice steel fabricator
- Apprentice structural metal and platework fabricator
- Apprentice structural steel and platework fitter
- Steel fabricator – structural metal and platework
- Steel fitter – metal platework
- Jobs for Structural metal
- platework layout developer
- platework layout marker
- platework plater
- Fabricator
- worker
- Structural steel
- platework fitter
- Fabricator
- Fitter
- plate shaper
- Tube fitter – structural metal and platework
NOC code: 7236 converted into NOC code: 72105 - Ironworkers. The professions in this skill category are
- Building systems erector
- Ironworker – metal building systems erector
- Ironworker generalist
- Journeyman/woman ironworker and reinforcing ironworker
- Metal scaffold erector and structure erector
- Metal tank erecting ironworker
- Precast concrete erector
- Reinforcing ironworker and rodworker
- Metal wall framing installer and ironworker
- Metal wall installation and ironworker
- Ornamental ironworker
- Ironworker in ornamental and reinforcing rebar
- Ironworker apprentice
- Structural ironworker
- Structural metal erector and steel erector
- Tower crane erector
- Apprentice ironworker and metal structure erector
- Bridge construction ironworker
- Ornamental-metal worker
- Reinforcing steel ironworker
- Rodworker apprentice
NOC code: 7237 converted into NOC code: 72106 - Welders and related machine operators. The professions in this skill category are
- Acetylene welder
- Automatic welding machine operator
- Aviation welding technician
- Battery lead-burner operator
- Blowtorch operator and welder
- Boiler welder
- Brazer and hammerer
- Aircraft welder
- Apprentice welder
- Arc welder – pipeline
- Assembler tack welder
- Auto body solderer
- Drilling platform welder and rig welder
- Electric arc welder
- Electric spot welder and operator
- Electric spot-welding machine operator
- Fabrication welder
- Fit-up welder
- Automated welding machine operator – flash butt process
- Brazing machine operator and setter
- Cable, Combination, and Dielectric welder
- Downhand welder – pipeline
- Flame-brazing machine operator and setter
- Hand arc welder, electric arc welder, and resistance welder
- Heliarc welder
- Hot gas welder
- Hydrogen braze furnace man/woman and operator
- Induction brazer operator and solderer
- Industrial welder
- Iron brazer
- Jig welder-fitter
- Flash butt welder
- Furnace brazer and solderer
- Gas and arc welder
- Gas brazer and welder
- Gas-shielded arc welder
- Gas-shielded arc welding machine operator
- General welder
- Lead burner and welder
- Machine operator – welding, brazing and soldering
- Portable spot welder
- Precision welder
- Pressure vessel welder
- Production induction brazier
- Machine type solderer and welder
- Maintenance welder
- Mesh-welding machine operator
- Metal brazier and heater
- Journeyman/woman welder
- Laser beam machine-welder operator, welder, welding machine operator
- Laser welding operator
- Metal inert gas (MIG) welder, and solderer
- Metal straightener and heater
- Radio-frequency welder
- Resistance
- brazer
- seam welder
- welder
- welder tender
- welder-setter
- welding machine setter
- Metal welder
- Oxyacetylene torch welder and welder
- Oxyhydrogen welder
- Pipeline welder
- Production line solderer, spot welder, and welder
- Resistance welding set-up man/woman
- Rig welder
- Shielded-metal arc welder
- Welder-fitter
- Welding lay-out man/woman and machine operator
- Wire welder
- Side seaming tender
- Solderer
- Solderer-dipper
- Soldering machine operator
- Spot resistance welder and welder
- Submerged arc welder
- Torch welder
- Type-soldering machine tender
- Vibration welder
- Welder apprentice and operator
- Submerged arc welding machine operator
- Tack welder
- Thermite welder
- Tool and die welder
- Torch brazer and brazing machine setter
- Welder-assembler
TEER level 2: Technical electrical trades and electrical power line and telecommunications workers
NOC code: 7241 converted into NOC code: 72200 - Electricians (except industrial and power system). The professions in this skill category are
- Jobs for electrician in
- Building
- Construction and maintenance
- Construction
- Construction apprentice
- Apprentice
- Building construction
- Journeyman/woman construction
- Domestic and rural
- Electrical distribution technician
- Electrician in troubleshooting process
- Institution
- Residential construction wirer and wireman/woman
- Electrical fixtures installer
- Electrical wiring installer – construction
- Wiring electrician
NOC code: 7242 converted into NOC code: 72201 - Industrial electricians. The professions in this skill category are
- Apprentice industrial electrician
- Electric signal repairer – railway
- Electrical repairer – crane maintenance
- Electrician – rail transport
- Industrial electrical repairer and electrician
- Electrician in Apprentice marine and Plant maintenance
- Railway signal installer and maintainer
- Rig electrician
- Diesel electrician – railway
- Industrial electrician apprentice
- Marine wireman/woman
- Electrician in mill and mine
- Industrial electrician lead hand
- Journeyman/woman industrial electrician
- Plant electrician
- Ship’s electrician
- Machine shop electrical repairer
- Maintenance electrician – industrial
- Marine electrician and equipment electrician
- Ship’s electrician –
- shipbuilding and repair
- water transport
- Shipyard electrician
NOC code: 7243 converted into NOC code: 72202 - Power system electricians. The professions in this skill category are
- Apprentice power system electrician
- Electrical powerhouse electrician
- Jobs in electrical power system
- Powerhouse electrician
- Electrical substation electrician
- Relay tester and repairer
- Substation electrician
- Power station electrician
- Relay tester and maintainer
- Voltage regulator maintainer
- Electrical powerhouse electrician
- Electrician – electricity production
- Power electrician
- Power station electrician
- Power system electrician
NOC code: 7244 converted into NOC code: 72203 - Electrical power line and cable workers. The professions in this skill category are
- Jobs in electric power systems
- Conduit installer
- High-voltage power line patroller
- Apprentice line maintainer
- Apprentice lineman/woman
- Cable installer and repairer
- Cable jointer
- Cable line worker
- Cable repairer
- Cable splicer
- Cableman/woman
- Transmission lineman/woman
- Line repairer
- Line servicer
- Lineman/woman
- Construction lineman/woman
- Assistant transmission lineman/woman
- Cable installer
- Electric meter installer
- Electric meter setter
- Electrical cable splicer
- Emergency line repairer
- Emergency servicer
- High voltage lineman/woman
- Lineman/woman trainee
- Lineworker
- Lead lineman/woman
- Lead splicer
- Line checker
- Line installation trainee
- Line maintainer
- Line patroller
- Maintenance lineman/woman
- Meter installer
- Power line maintainer
- Streetlight servicer
- Tower line maintainer
- Tower lineman/woman
- Power line repairer
- Underground cable splicer
- Underground lineman/woman
- Wire splicer
- High-voltage tower lineman/woman
- Powerline technician
- Lead lineman/woman – electricity production and transmission
- Power lineman/woman
- Power lineman/woman – electricity production and transmission
- Power line patroller
- Traffic light repairer
- Repair lineman/woman and Service lineman/woman – electric power systems
- Streetlight repairer
- Streetlight repairer and Streetlight serviceman/woman – electric power systems
NOC code: 7245 converted into NOC code: 72204 - Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers. The professions in this skill category are
- Cable repair technician in the field of telecommunications
- Cable repairer in the field of telecommunications
- Construction technician in cable television field
- Construction technician in telecommunications field
- Fibre optic cable splicer
- Journeyman/woman lineman/woman – telecommunications
- Telephone line technician
- Toll line inspector – telecommunications
- Toll line repairman/woman – telecommunications
- Toll lineman/woman – telecommunications
- Cable television installation technician, installer, and maintenance technician
- Cable tester – telecommunications
- Access technician – telecommunication
- Apprentice lineman/woman – telecommunications
- Cable installer – telecommunications
- Community antenna television (CATV) maintenance technician
- Telecommunication line technician
- Section lineman/woman – telecommunications
- Service tracer – telecommunications
- Signal tracer – telecommunications
- Splicer – telecommunications
- Splicer technician for telecommunication and technician for telephone
- Tracer – telecommunications
- Telecommunications cable splicer
- Jobs in telecommunications field such as
- Line inspector
- Line installer
- Line repairer
- Repair lineman/woman – telecommunications
- Communication technician – construction
- Communications electrician – construction craft
- Community antenna television (CATV) installation technician
- Rigger – telecommunications
- Telecommunication cable installer
- Telecommunication cable repairer and line construction technician
- Telecommunications line installer and lineman/woman
- Telecontrol technologist, cable splicer
- Telephone line and cable man/woman
- Telecommunication line and cable employees’ job titles were transferred from NOC 7245 to NOC 72204.
- The NOC 7247 was divided. Cable television maintenance technician job titles were transferred from NOC 7247 to NOC 72204.
NOC code: 7246 converted into NOC code: 72205 - Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians. The professions in this skill category are
- Central office equipment maintainer in the field of telecommunications
- Central office equipment repairer in telecommunications field
- Central office frame servicer in telecommunications field
- Cable station tester in telecommunications field
- Cable television service technician
- Cablevision servicer
- Cellular telephone installer and technician
- Central office equipment inspector in telecommunications field
- Central office equipment installer in telecommunications field
- Branch exchange repairer in telecommunications field
- Central office repairer in the field of telecommunications
- Central office technician in the field of telecommunications
- Central office tester in the field of telecommunications
- Charging equipment attendant in the field of telecommunications
- Combination man/woman in telecommunications field
- Communications electrician in telecommunications field
- Equipment installer and repairer in telecommunications field
- Exchange installer and repairer in telecommunications field
- Exchange tester
- Exchange tester in telecommunications field
- Facilities man/woman in telecommunications field
- Frameman/woman in telecommunications field
- Community antenna television (CATV) service installation technician
- Complaint service technician in telecommunications field
- Direct broadcast satellite (DBS) technician – cable television
- Districtman/woman in the field of telecommunications
- Private branch exchange (PBX) and private automatic branch exchange (PABX) installer in the field of telecommunications
- Private branch exchange (PBX) and private automatic branch exchange (PABX) installer and repairer in the field of telecommunications
- Private branch exchange (PBX) and private automatic branch exchange (PABX) repairer in the field of telecommunications
- Private branch exchange (PBX) inspector in the field of telecommunications
- Private branch exchange (PBX) and private automatic branch exchange (PABX) inspector in the field of telecommunications
- Radiotelephone installer and repairer
- Regulator and tester in the field of telecommunications
- Relay adjuster in the field of telecommunications
- Private branch exchange (PBX) installer in telecommunications field
- Private branch exchange (PBX) repairer in telecommunications field
- Racker in telecommunications field
- Head end technician – cable television
- Installation and repair technician in telecommunications field
- Installation service technician – cable television
- Mobile radio installer in telecommunications field
- Mobile radio technician in telecommunications field
- Relay tester in telecommunications field
- Special services technician in telecommunications field
- Switch network installer and repairer in telecommunications field
- Switched communication electrician
- Switched network repairer
- Switched networks installer
- Switchman/woman in telecommunications field
- Repeater installer in telecommunications field
- Repeater tester and adjuster in telecommunications field
- Rural telephone maintainer
- Satellite receiver installer
- Satellite receiving equipment installer
- Telecommunications
- equipment inspector
- equipment installer
- equipment technician
- service tester
- technician
- Satellite television service installation technician
- Service centre technician in the field of telecommunications
- Service inspector in the field of telecommunications
- Shop repairer in the field of telecommunications
- Telecommunication
- equipment tester and regulator
- line tester
- equipment electrician
- Telephone and teleprinter installer-repairer
- Telephone central office distribution frame maintainer
- Telephone central office repairer – telecommunications
- Telephone exchange repairer – telecommunications
- Telephone
- exchange tester
- facilities evaluator
- Installer
- line and station installer
- relay tester
- communication electrician
- communication technician
- equipment installer and repairer
- equipment tester
- switchboard installer and repairer
- switchman/woman
- system relay adjuster
- technician – telecommunications
- exchange distribution frame maintainer
- Repairer
- Servicer
- shop repairer
- station installer
- station repairer
- Tester
- Toll central office tester
- Test desk operator in telecommunications field
- Toll communication electrician
- Toll equipment man/woman in telecommunications field
- Toll switchman/woman in telecommunications field
- Toll telephone exchange tester
- Transmission tester in telecommunications field
- Wireman/woman in telecommunications field
- Wirer in telecommunications field
- Telephone traffic inspector
- Teleprinter installer in the field of telecommunications
- Teleprinter repairer
- Teletype installer in the field of telecommunications
- Teletype repairer in telecommunications field
- Teletypewriter (TTY) installer in the field of telecommunications
- Teletypewriter (TTY) repairer
- Television cable servicer
- Television receive only (TVRO) technician
- Terminal and repeater tester – telecommunications
- Telecommunication installation and repair-related job titles were transferred from NOC 7246 to NOC 72205.
- The NOC 7247 was divided. Distribution systems and cable television service technician job titles were transferred from NOC 7247 to NOC 72205.
TEER level 2: Plumbers, pipefitters and gas fitters
NOC code: 7251 converted into NOC code: 72300 - Plumbers. The professions in this skill category are
- Apprentice plumber
- Plumber apprentice
- Plumbing heat technician – Canadian armed forces
- Plumbing installer and mechanic
- Plumber – pipefitting
- Radiator plumber
- Residential construction plumber
- Journeyman/woman plumber
NOC code: 7252 converted into NOC code: 72301 - Steamfitters, pipefitters and sprinkler system installers. The professions in this skill category are
- Apprentice pipefitter
- Fire prevention and automatic suppression systems installer
- Fire protection mechanic and piping installer
- Apprentice pipefitter-steamfitter, sprinkler system fitter and steamfitter
- Fire protection piping system installer
- Maintenance pipefitter
- Marine pipefitter
- Steam main servicer
- Fire sprinkler fitter
- Journeyman/woman pipefitter
- Journeyman/woman sprinkler system installer
- Steamfitter/pipefitter (non-construction)
- Steamfitter-pipefitter
- Turbine pipefitter
- Welding pipefitter
- Sprinkler and fire protection installer
- Sprinkler fitter
- Steam pipefitter
- Steamfitter – shipbuilding
- Marine steamfitter
- Pipefitter
- Pipefitter in shipbuilding
- Pipefitter and steamfitter
- Radiator pipe installer
- Railway car and locomotive pipefitter
- Ship pipefitter and steamfitter
- Sprinkler system fitter, installer, installer (non-construction), installer apprentice
- Steam heating installer
NOC code: 7253 converted into NOC code: 72302 - Gas fitters. The professions in this skill category are
- Furnace converter
- Gas customer servicer
- Gas main fitter
- Industrial gas servicer
- Journeyman/woman gas fitter
- Gas
- pipe mechanic,
- pipefitter,
- servicer,
- technician,
- works troubleshooter,
- fitter
- Apprentice gas fitter
- District gas serviceman/woman
- Gas fitter apprentice
- Gas fitter trainer and installer
- Industrial gas fitter-tester
TEER level 2: Carpenters and cabinetmakers
NOC code: 7271 converted into NOC code: 72310 - Carpenters. The professions in this skill category are
- Boat joiner
- Boatbuilding apprentice
- Bridge carpenter
- Building addition carpenter and carpenter
- Carpenter
- Carpenter lead hand and rough
- Carpenter-joiner
- Carpentry repairman/woman
- Access floor specialist carpenter
- Apprentice boat carpenter
- Apprentice carpenter
- Form builder – carpentry
- Form carpenter
- Framer-carpenter
- Framing carpenter
- House carpenter
- Apprentice carpenter-joiner
- Boat carpenter
- Concrete forms carpenter
- Construction carpenter
- Construction technician in Canadian armed forces
- Dock carpenter
- Finish carpenter
- Maintenance joiner
- Manufactured house carpenter
- Metal framer in carpentry
- Mill carpenter
- Mine carpenter
- Plant carpenter
- Prefabricated house carpenter
- Renovation carpenter
- Restoration carpenter
- Rough carpenter
- Ship joiner
- Shipbuilding carpenter
- Prefabricated structure carpenter
- Maintenance carpenter and joiner
- Railway rolling stock carpenter and joiner
- Shipbuilding joiner
- Sign carpenter
- Stage carpenter
- Stair builder-carpenter
- Stairway carpenter
- Floor systems carpenter
- Interior finish carpenter and joiner
- Interior systems carpenter
- Interior trimmer carpenter
- Journeyman/woman carpenter
- Steel stud framer – carpentry
- Studio carpenter
- Wood frame carpenter and house carpenter
- Wood shipwright
- Wooden boatbuilder
- Log home builder and carpenter
- Log home carpenter-builder
- Steel framer in carpentry
NOC code: 7272 converted into NOC code: 72311 - Cabinetmakers. The professions in this skill category are
- Makers of Cabinet
- Tradesman/woman cabinetmaker
- Wood furniture and fixtures patternmaker
- Wood model maker and mold maker
- Layout marker – cabinetmaking
- Pattern repairman/woman – foundry
- Cabinetmaker apprentice
- Custom frame and mirror assembler
- Custom piano case maker
- Wood pattern inspector
- Wood pattern repairman/woman – foundry
- Wood patternmaker
- Custom wood furniture maker
- Custom wooden desk maker
- Furniture cabinetmaker
- Jig builder – wood products manufacturing
TEER level 2: Bricklayers and Insulators
NOC code: 7281 converted into NOC code: 72320 - Bricklayers. The professions in this skill category are
- Apprentice bricklayer
- Artificial stone mason and setter
- Brick and stone mason
- Brick chimney builder
- Apprentice brickmason
- Apprentice mason
- Brick setter
- Bricklayer
- Brickmason
- Chimney bricklayer
- Chimney repair bricklayer and stonemason
- Cinder block mason
- Fire brick layer and liner repairer
- Fireplace brickmason
- Cinder block setter
- Refractory mason
- Residential construction bricklayer
- Restoration stonemason
- Concrete block setter
- Furnace lining bricklayer
- Industrial furnace bricklayer
- Industrial furnace brickmason
- Journeyman/woman mason
- Journeyman/woman stonemason
- Kiln repair bricklayer
- Simulated stone setter
- Smokestack bricklayer
- Stone setter
- Stonecutter
- Stonemason
- Terra cotta mason
- Ladle repair bricklayer
- Industrial oven brickmason
- Journeyman/woman bricklayer
- Journeyman/woman brickmason
- Maintenance bricklayer
- Masonry silo erector
- Permastone installer
- Permastone mason
- Refractory brick repairer-mason, bricklayer, and builder
- Simulated stone mason
NOC code: 7293 converted into NOC code: 72321 - Insulators. The professions in this skill category are
- Boiler and pipe insulator
- Boiler insulator
- Building insulator
- Journeyman/woman insulator
- Pipe insulator
- Cork insulation installer
- Fibreglass insulation installer
- Fire protection insulator
- Apprentice insulator
- Asbestos insulator
- Boat and ship insulator
- Residential insulation installer
- Sound insulator
- Soundproof material installer
- Insulation applicator
- Insulation installer
- Insulation mechanic
- Firestopping insulator
- Foamed insulation applicator
- Heat and frost insulator
- Refrigeration and air conditioning equipment insulator
- Insulator
- Insulator apprentice
- Plastic insulation applicator
TEER level 2: Machinery and transportation equipment mechanics (except motor vehicles)
NOC code: 7311 converted into NOC code: 72400 - Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics. The professions in this skill category are
- Card setter in textile manufacturing field
- Carding machine fixer in textile manufacturing field
- Carpet loom fixer and setter in textile manufacturing field
- Apprentice industrial mechanic
- Bakery machinery mechanic
- Boilerhouse machinery mechanic
- Braiding machine setter
- Can seamer machine repairer
- Canal equipment mechanic
- Card fixer
- Apprentice millwright
- Card fixer in textile manufacturing field
- Card grinder
- Card grinder in textile manufacturing field
- Chemical process equipment mechanic
- Conveyor repairer
- Fabric-shearing machine setter-fixer in textile manufacturing field
- Factory maintenance mechanic
- Flyer repairer in textile manufacturing field
- Forge equipment repairer
- Cutting machine fixer in textile manufacturing field
- Dairy equipment repairer
- Comb fixer in textile manufacturing field
- Comb setter in the field of textile manufacturing
- Hook repairer in textile manufacturing field
- Industrial hoist mechanic
- Industrial machinery maintenance mechanic
- Derrick mechanic
- Jacquard loom setter in textile manufacturing field
- Knitting machine adjuster in textile manufacturing field
- Knitting machine fixer in textile manufacturing field
- Knitting machine mechanic
- Fabric-shearing machine fixer in textile manufacturing field
- Industrial mechanic-welder
- Industrial pump repairer and sewing machine mechanic
- Jacquard loom fixer in textile manufacturing field
- Loom fixer in textile manufacturing field
- Loom mechanic in textile manufacturing field
- Loom mechanic-repairer in textile manufacturing field
- Fabric-shearing machine setter in textile manufacturing field
- Gas turbine machinery industrial mechanic and repairer
- Industrial mechanic
- Knitting machine setter in textile manufacturing field
- Knitting pattern setter in textile manufacturing field
- Linotype repairer
- Loom changer
- Loom reed repairer in textile manufacturing field
- Loom setter in textile manufacturing field
- Loom starter and technician
- Loom technician in textile manufacturing field
- Loom fixer
- Maintenance mechanic technician for industrial purpose
- Maintenance millwright
- Marine engine mechanic apprentice
- Loom pattern changer
- Millwright
- Millwright apprentice and industrial
- Mule fixer and setter – textile manufacturing
- Maintenance mechanic
- Mine hoist machinery mechanic and repairer
- Mine mechanic
- Loom preparer
- Looper fixer in the field of textile manufacturing
- Looper setter in the field of textile manufacturing
- Mail-processing equipment mechanic
- Oil pump station mechanic
- Oil tool maintenance mechanic and repairer
- Oil-drilling rig maintainer and mechanic
- Open-end technician in the field of textile manufacturing
- Nuclear power station equipment mechanic and machinery mechanic
- Oil drill rig mechanic
- Napper grinder in the field of textile manufacturing
- Needle bed repairer in the field of textile manufacturing
- Needle board repairer in the field of textile manufacturing
- Pin setter in the field of textile manufacturing
- Plant equipment and machinery maintenance mechanic
- Production machinery maintenance mechanic
- Production machinery mechanic
- Nuclear generating station mechanical maintainer
- Oven equipment repairer
- Packaging machine mechanic
- Quilter fixer in the field of textile manufacturing
- Quilter mechanic in the field of textile manufacturing
- Quilter setter-fixer in the field of textile manufacturing
- Quilting machine fixer in the field of textile manufacturing
- Quilting machine mechanic in the field of textile manufacturing
- Quilting machine setter-fier in the field of textile manufacturing
- Textile manufacturing for Reed fixer
- Textile manufacturing for Reed setter
- Ride mechanical technician
- Rig mechanic
- Plastics-processing equipment mechanic
- Production mechanic
- Pump mechanic, systems installer and repairer
- Quiller machine fixer – textile manufacturing
- Rubberizing machine mechanic
- Textile manufacturing for Shuttle fixer and Shuttle setter
- Ski lift mechanic and repair technician
- Spinning fixer
- Roller coverer and repairer – industrial equipment
- Textile manufacturing for Spinning frame fixer and Spinning machine fixer
- Textile machinery mechanic and repairer
- Winding machine fixer – textile manufacturing
- Steam turbine repairer
- Tannery machinery repairer
- Textile fixer and machinery fixer
- Textile machine mechanic and over hauler
- Tool oiler and maintenance mechanic and repairer
- Treatment plant maintenance mechanic
- Windmill repairer
- Steam plant maintenance mechanic
- Upgrading plant mechanic
- Welding equipment mechanic and repairer
- Mechanic of welding machine
NOC code: 7312 converted into NOC code: 72401 - Heavy-duty equipment mechanics. The professions in this skill category are
- Construction equipment mechanic and repairman/woman
- Apprentice farm machinery mechanic
- Diesel engine mechanic apprentice
- Diesel locomotive repairman/woman
- Crane repairer and service technician
- Diesel engine mechanic
- Farm equipment mechanic and technician
- Dredge mechanic
- Dredge repairer
- Excavating and Earthmoving equipment mechanic
- Felling equipment mechanic
- Fuel injection unit servicer – diesel
- Farm machinery wheelwright
- Heavy-duty equipment mechanic and apprentice
- Heavy mobile equipment repairman/woman
- Grading equipment mechanic
- Heavy diesel engine mechanic
- Heavy equipment combination mechanic, field mechanic, and inspector-repairer
- Farm machinery mechanic
- Farm tractor mechanic and repairer
- Diesel mechanic apprentice
- Heavy equipment mechanic – diesel engine
- Heavy mobile equipment repairer and logging equipment mechanic
- Paving equipment mechanic
- Power shovel mechanic
- Repairer mechanic
- Sideboom mechanic
- Tractor mechanic
- Heavy mobile mining equipment mechanic
- Mobile farm equipment mechanic and machinery repairer
- Mobile logging and mining equipment mechanic
NOC code: 7313 converted into NOC code: 72402 - Heating, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics. The professions in this skill category are
- Air conditioning and heating mechanic
- Heating and cooling mechanic
- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) mechanic
- Hydronics technician
- Journeyman/woman refrigeration and air conditioning mechanic
- Air conditioning and refrigeration mechanic
- Apprentice refrigeration and air conditioning mechanic
- Central air conditioner installer
- Central air conditioning mechanic and repairer
- Refrigeration mechanic apprentice, system installer, and technician
- Central air conditioning servicer
- Commercial air conditioning mechanic
- Central air conditioner repairer and conditioning installer
- Refrigeration and air conditioning mechanic (non-construction) and mechanic apprentice
- Refrigeration and mechanical technician
- Refrigeration mechanic
NOC code: 7314 converted into NOC code: 72403 Railway carmen / women. The professions in this skill category are
- Air brake inspector – railway car
- Railway coach repairer
- Railway equipment inspector
- Streetcar and subway car mechanic
- Apprentice carman/woman – railway
- Brake inspector – railway car
- Car inspector – railway
- Streetcar mechanic
- Subway car mechanic
- Wheel and axle inspector – railway
- Car repairer – railway
- Car repairer apprentice – railway
- Railcar mechanic apprentice
- Railway car inspector
- Railway carman/woman
- Railway carman/woman apprentice
- Railway carman/woman inspector
- Carman/woman – railway
- Carman/woman inspector – railway
- Inspector-carman/woman – railway
- Rail vehicle mechanic
NOC code: 7315 converted into NOC code: 72404 Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors. The professions in this skill category are
- Aero-engine mechanic
- Composite repair technician – aircraft
- Engine accessories overhaul mechanic
- Experimental aircraft mechanic
- Aero-engine technician
- Aircraft accessories mechanic
- Aircraft composite and sheet metal repairer
- Aircraft engine accessories
- overhaul mechanic,
- inspector,
- mechanic,
- mechanical systems technician,
- overhaul inspector,
- overhaul mechanic,
- repair and overhaul mechanic,
- technician,
- tester
- Aircraft engine
- Helicopter mechanical systems inspector
- Mechanical systems aircraft maintenance engineer (AME)
- Structures aircraft maintenance engineer (AME)
- Structures mechanic
- Aircraft accessories – overhaul mechanic, overhaul technician, repairer repairman/woman
- Aircraft – body repairer, gas turbine engine technician, hydraulics inspector, hydraulics mechanic
- Preflight mechanic
- Propulsion technician
- Rotorcraft – aircraft maintenance engineer (AME), maintenance engineer, mechanical systems technician
- Structural repair technician
- Aircraft hydraulics shop technician and tester
- Aircraft inspector
- Aircraft maintenance engineer (AME) (except avionics) and mechanic apprentice and technician
- Aircraft mechanic and experimental and learner
- Aircraft mechanical and fuel systems overhaul and repair mechanic
- Aircraft mechanical systems such as
- flight tests inspector,
- junior mechanic,
- maintenance technician,
- mechanic,
- modification mechanic,
- preflight mechanic,
- repair and overhaul inspector,
- repair inspector,
- repair shop inspector,
- Aircraft mechanical systems technician.
- Aircraft plumbing and hydraulics mechanic
- Aircraft power plant mechanic
- Aircraft propeller inspector and systems technician,
- Aircraft propulsion technician
- Aircraft reciprocating engine technician
- Aircraft repair and overhaul inspector
- Aircraft repair shop inspector
- Aircraft rotary mechanical systems technician
- Flight line mechanic
- Flight test aircraft mechanic
- Flight test inspector
- Gas turbine engine mechanic
- Helicopter mechanic
- Aircraft safety systems mechanic
- Aircraft sheet metal technician
- Aircraft skin repairer
- Aircraft structural repair technician
- Aircraft structural technician
- Aircraft structures technician – Canadian armed forces
- Aircraft systems inspector
- Airframe mechanic
- Apprentice aircraft maintenance engineer (AME)
- Apprentice aircraft mechanical systems mechanic
- Aviation maintenance inspector
- Aviation mechanical component shop technician
- Certified aircraft technician
NOC code: 7316 converted into NOC code: 72405 Machine fitters. The professions in this skill category are
- Builder of Agricultural machinery
- Aircraft engine fitter
- Builder of Machine tool
- Heavy equipment and Heavy machinery fitter
- Builder of Locomotive
- Machine tool builder-integrator
- Ship machinery fitter
- Assembly fitter
- Assembly mechanic-fitter lead hand
- Chemical-processing machine builder
- Compressor fitter
- Crane fitter
- Builder of Farm machinery
- Mining machinery fitter
- Production equipment fitter
- Builder of Pulp and paper machinery
- Railway coach fitter
- Ship engine fitter
- Agricultural machinery and Aircraft engine assembly fitter
- Farm machinery and Food-processing machine fitter
- Grader fitter
- Locomotive and Logging machinery fitter
- Machine builder, builder-fitter, fitter, fitter charge hand
- Textile machinery and Turbine fitter
- Machine tool integrator
- Machinery – manufacturing, Manufacturing machinery, and Mechanical fitter
NOC code: 7318 converted into NOC code: 72406 Elevator constructors and mechanics. The professions in this skill category are
- Apprentice elevator mechanic
- Escalator
- installer-repairer
- mechanic (non construction)
- Repairer
- repairman/woman
- installer
- Dumbwaiter installer-repairer
- Elevator
- adjuster
- builder
- mechanic (non-construction)
- mechanic apprentice
- repair mechanic
- constructor
- constructor and mechanic apprentice
- constructor-mechanic
- erector
- installer
- maintenance mechanic
- mechanic
- repairer
- Journeyman/woman elevator mechanic
- Moving walkway installer-repairer
- Journeyman/woman elevator constructor
TEER level 2: Automotive service technicians
NOC code: 7321 converted into NOC code: 72410 Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics and mechanical repairers. The professions in this skill category are
- Motor vehicle fuel-systems and electric-systems mechanic
- Truck and coach technician
- Truck trailer mechanic, repairer apprentice and service technician
- Apprentice motor vehicle mechanic
- Automobile service mechanic
- Garage mechanic
- Mechanic, Mechanical upgrader, Motor mechanic and Motor repairer for motor vehicle manufacturing
- Automotive air conditioning mechanic
- Transmission technician
- Transport truck and trailer mechanic
- Wheel alignment and brake mechanic and specialist
- Motor vehicle fuel conversion technician and diesel engine mechanic
- Truck and trailer repairer
- Automotive brake mechanic, repairer and specialist
- Automotive carburetor and transmission mechanic
- Automatic transmission and drive trains technician
- Automotive tune-up service technician and electrical mechanic
- Automotive mechanical and radiator repairer
- Automotive radiator mechanic
- Automotive service technician for fuel systems and electronics systems
- Automotive electrical technician and engine mechanic inspector
- Automotive service technician – steering, suspension and brakes
- Bus mechanic
- Car mechanic
- Commercial trailer mechanic and technician
- Automotive service technician for transmission and apprentice
- Automotive technician – air conditioning system
- Motor vehicle mechanic
- Motor vehicle mechanical repairer and technician
- Motor vehicle transmission mechanic
- New car and Trolley engine mechanic
- Automotive technician for automatic transmission, brakes, electronic, engine, fuel, front-end, standard transmission systems
- Automotive vehicle tester and testing mechanic
- Brake systems, Bus, truck and transport mechanic
- Engine and Front-end mechanic
- Fuel,Service and electrical systems technician
- Trailer mechanical systems repairer
- Transmission mechanic
- Truck and transport mechanic
- Truck and transport vehicle service technician and mechanic
- Truck and transport vehicle repairer
- Truck mechanic
- Truck-trailer repairer
NOC code: 7322 converted into NOC code: 72411 Auto body collision, refinishing and glass technicians and damage repair estimators. The professions in this skill category are
- Antique car body restorer
- Auto body technician – collision
- Auto body technician – refinishing
- Auto body worker
- Auto glass installer
- Antique vehicle body restorer
- Auto body damage estimator
- Auto body estimator
- Auto body mechanic
- Auto body and collision technician
- Auto body appraiser
- Auto body technician
- Motor vehicle body repairer apprentice
- Painter – motor vehicle repair
- Used car renovator
- Motor vehicle body finisher
- Motor vehicle body repairer
- Motor vehicle body repairer – collision
- Automotive body technician
- Automotive glass technician and painter
- Automotive painter apprentice
- Automotive painting and refinishing technician
- Automobile body repairman/woman
- Automobile damage repair estimator
- Dingman/woman – autobody
- Journeyman/woman motor vehicle body repairer
- Metal finish and touch-up repairer – motor vehicle manufacturing
- Metal finisher, repairer and upgrader – motor vehicle manufacturing
- Automobile polisher-sander – motor vehicle repair
- Auto body repair planner
- Auto body repairer
- Apprentice painter – motor vehicle repair
- Automotive body mechanic
- Motor vehicle body repair-painter
- Motor vehicle body technician
- Motor vehicle body technician – truck
- Motor vehicle painter – motor vehicle repair
- Automotive body painter
- Automotive body repairer
- Automotive painting and refinishing technician
- Automotive repair shop estimator
- Body and fender repairer – automobile
- Body and fender repairman/woman – automobile
- Collision repair technician
- Dent remover and repairer – automobile
- Motor repair vehicle painter apprentice
- Motor vehicle apprentice painter
- Motor vehicle body repairer – metal and paint
- Motor vehicle body repairer – refinishing
TEER level 2: Small engine and equipment mechanics and related repairers (including electrical components)
NOC code: 7331 converted into NOC code: 72420 Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics. The professions in this skill category are
- Coal furnace installer
- Furnace mechanic, repairer and repairman/woman
- Oil burner installer and repairer
- Heating systems installer
- Heating systems servicer
- Oil burner repairer
- Oil burner servicer
- Oil burner technician
- Oil furnace installer
- Furnace installer, repairer and maintenance mechanic
- Heating system mechanic
- Residential oil burner installer and servicer
- Heating systems technician
- Heating technician
- Oil burner maintainer
- Residential oil burner mechanic
- Solid fuel heater installer
- Solid fuel heating installer
- Stoker erector
- Wood burner installer
- Wood burner maintainer
- Wood furnace installer
- Oil burner mechanic
- Heating mechanic
- Heating service mechanic
- Coal furnace, Oil and solid fuel heating mechanic
- Oil burner apprentice, installer and mechanic apprentice
- Wood-burning appliance and system installer
NOC code: 7332 converted into NOC code: 72421 Appliance servicers and repairers. The professions in this skill category are
- Armature repairman/woman
- Armature winder repairer
- Automotive-generator and starter repairer
- Circuit breaker mechanic
- Electric motor mechanic
- Electric motor repairer
- Coil winder and repairer
- Electric meter repairer
- Industrial coil and motor winder-repairer
- Electric motor repairer, tester and systems technician
- Electric motor winder
- Coil connector repairer
- Motor coil winder-repairer
- Power transformer repairer
- Electrical mechanic apprentice and trainee
- Electric meter repairer apprentice, technician and winder-repairer
- Electrical apparatus mechanic
- Generator repairer
- Storage battery repairer
- Electrical mechanics group leader and lead hand
- Electrical instrument mechanic and repairer
- Electrical mechanic (except avionics)
- Generator repairman/woman
- Electrical and High power transformer repairer
- Electrical motor coil winder-repairer
- Electrical rewind mechanic
- Transformer repairer
- Transformer repairman/woman
- Winder-electrician
NOC code: 7333 converted into NOC code: 72422 Electrical mechanics. The professions in this skill category are
- Armature winder repairer
- Electrical rewind mechanic
- Electrical transformer repairer
- Coil winder and repairer
- Industrial motor winder-repairer
- Power transformer repairer
- Transformer repairer
- Electrical mechanic and apprentice
NOC code: 7332 converted into NOC code: 72423 Motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle and other related mechanics. The professions in this skill category are
- All-terrain vehicle repairer
- Apprentice marine repair technician
- Leisure vehicle technician (except recreational vehicles)
- Lift truck mechanic
- Recreation vehicle service technician
- Motorcycle repairman/woman
- Outboard motor mechanic
- Recreation vehicle apprentice mechanic
- Recreation vehicle mechanic
- Marine repair technician
- Marine service technician
- Marine service technician apprentice
- Motor boat mechanic
- Forklift mechanic
- Apprentice outboard motor mechanic
- Recreation vehicle technician
- Snowmobile repairer
- Motorcycle mechanic
- Motorcycle mechanic apprentice
- Motorcycle repairer
- Industrial truck mechanic
- Industrial truck repairer
- Go-kart repairer
- Inboard-outboard mechanic
- Inboard-outboard motor mechanic
- Motor scooter repairer
- Recreation vehicle repairer
- Snowmobile repairman/woman
- Motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle, and other related mechanic job titles were transferred from NOC 7334 to NOC 72423.
- The NOC 7384 was divided. Recreational and automotive mechanic, repairer, and service technician job titles were transferred from NOC 7384 to NOC 72423.
NOC code: 7335 converted into NOC code: 72429 Other small engine and small equipment repairers. The professions in this skill category are
- Air-cooled engine mechanic
- Small equipment mechanic apprentice and repairer
- Lawn and garden and Outdoor power equipment technician
- Apprentice small engine and Garden tractor repairer
- Gasoline-powered lawn mower and Small engine and equipment mechanic
- Gasoline-powered snow blower and lawn mower repairer
- Gas-powered small equipment mechanic
- Small engine technician
- Small engine repairer
TEER level 2: Crane operators and water well drillers
NOC code: 7371 converted into NOC code: 72500 Crane operators. The professions in this skill category are
- Apprentice mobile crane operator
- Boat crane operator
- Electric dragline operator
- Truck crane operator
- Walking bridge crane operator
- Cinder crane operator
- Climbing crane operator
- Construction crane operator
- Boom crane operator
- Boom truck crane operator
- Electric crane operator
- Crane and hoisting equipment operator
- Crane hoist operator
- Crane operator
- Crane operator apprentice
- Crawler crane operator
- Demolition crane operator
- Dragline crane operator
- Drilling rig crane operator
- Wrecking crane operator
- Electric gantry crane operator
- Boom truck hoist operator
- Bridge crane operator
- Cantilever crane operator
- Electric monorail crane operator
- Floating crane operator
- Gantry crane operator
- Hoist operator – foundry
- Hoist operator (except underground mining)
- Hot metal crane operator
- Jib crane operator
- Ladle crane operator
- Locomotive crane operator
- Locomotive craneman/woman
- Mechanical hoist operator
- Mobile crane apprentice operator
- Mobile crane operator
- Monorail crane operator
- Overhead crane operator
- Pile driving crane operator
- Power crane operator
- Rail crane operator
- Railway car puller – crane
- Ship crane operator
- Skip operator
- Tower crane operator
- Tractor crane operator
NOTE: The NOC 7371 was divided. Crane operator-related job titles were transferred from NOC 7371 to NOC 72500.
NOC code: 7373 converted into NOC code: 72501 Water well drillers. The professions in this skill category are
- Apprentice water well driller
- Water well driller
- Water well driller apprentice
- Water well driller journeyman/woman
- Churn drill operator – water well drilling
- Journeyman/woman water well driller
- Water well drilling technician
- Cable tool driller – water well drilling
TEER level 2: Transportation officers and controllers
NOC code: 2271 converted into NOC code: 72600 Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors. The professions in this skill category are
- Aerial crop duster
- Airline pilot
- Airline pilot instructor
- Airline test pilot
- Airplane pilot
- Aerial survey pilot
- Air navigator
- Aerial crop dusting service contractor
- Aerial sprayer
- Chief pilot
- Chief pilot – air transport
- Commercial airline pilot
- Commercial pilot
- Aerial survey flight supervisor
- Air pilot and flight engineer supervisor
- Air pilots and navigators supervisor
- Air patrol pilot
- Air pilot
- Bush pilot
- Flying instructor
- Pipeline air patrol pilot
- Power line air patrol pilot
- Relief pilot
- Remote sensing pilot
- Second officer – air transport
- Forest spray pilot
- Experimental test pilot
- Fire patrol pilot
- Spray pilot
- Survey pilot
- Test pilot
- Topographic survey pilot
- Forestry patrol pilot
- Helicopter chief pilot
- Helicopter flight instructor
- Helicopter pilot
- Mapping pilot
- Business aircraft pilot
- Captain – air transport
- Charter pilot
- Check pilot
- Chief flying instructor
- Co-pilot
- Co-pilot – air transport
- Corporate pilot
- Crop duster
- Engineering test pilot
- Executive pilot
- Water bomber pilot
- First officer – air transport
- Flight engineer
- Flight instructor
- Flight simulator instructor
- Navigator – air transport
- Pilot – air transport
- Pilot – Canadian armed forces
- Pilot instructor
- Moving NOC 2271 to the transportation industry, BOC 7 (Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations).
- The NOC 8252 was divided. Contractor providing aerial crop dusting services transferred from NOC 8252 to NOC 72600.
NOC code: 2272 converted into NOC code: 72601 Air traffic controllers and related occupations. The professions in this skill category are
- Air traffic control assistant
- Flight service specialist (FSS)
- Airline dispatcher
- Airport air traffic controller
- Tower controller – air traffic
- Visual flight rules air traffic controller
- Head air traffic controller
- Instrument flight rules air traffic controller
- Air traffic control chief
- Enroute air traffic controller
- Flight dispatch assistant
- Flight dispatcher
- Flight operations officer
- Air traffic control officer
- Air traffic controller (ATC)
- Air traffic controller (ATC) – Canadian armed forces
- Air traffic coordinator
- Chief air traffic controller
NOTE: BOC 7 and NOC 2272 were transferred to the transport industry (Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations).
NOC code: 2273 converted into NOC code: 72602 Deck officers, water transport. The professions in this skill category are
- Apprentice master – minor waters
- Coast Guard vessel commanding, first watchkeeping and navigation officer
- Coast Guard vessel second officer
- Deck officer
- Captain – water transport
- Coast Guard vessel chief officer
- First mate – inland waters
- Foreign-going first mate
- Foreign-going second mate
- Riverboat captain
- Second deck officer
- Second mate
- Ship first mate
- Deck officer – cadet
- Deck officer – water transport
- Dredge captain
- Dredge commanding officer
- Dredge mate
- Coast Guard vessel second watchkeeping,third, third watchkeeping and watchkeeping officer
- Commanding officer – water transport
- Ferryboat captain
- Ferryboat first mate
- Passenger ship captain
- Pilot – water transport
- River pilot
- Second mate – inland waters
- Self-propelled barge captain
- Self-propelled barge deck officer
- Self-propelled drilling rig captain
- Home trade master
- Home trade mate
- Home trade second mate
- Hovercraft master
- Inland navigation mate
- Master – inland waters
- Master – minor waters
- Master – water transport
- Master mariner
- Mate – water transport
- Ferryboat master
- Ferryboat operator
- Ship junior mate
- Ship master
- Ship operation chief officer
- Ship pilot
- Harbour pilot
- Home trade first mate
- Merchant navy mate
- Offshore drilling rig first mate
- Offshore rig captain
- Offshore rig commanding officer
- Self-propelled drilling rig first mate
- Self-propelled drilling rig master
- Self-propelled oil rig deck officer
- Ship’s mate
- Tugboat captain
- Tugboat master
- Tugboat skipper
- Watchkeeping officer – water transport
- Ship chief officer
- Ship second mate
- Ship third mate
- Ship watchkeeping mate
- Ship’s captain
NOTE: Moving NOC 2273 to the transportation industry, BOC 7 (Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations).
NOC code: 2274 converted into NOC code: 72603 Engineer officers, water transport. The professions in this skill category are
- Apprentice marine engineer officer and assistant engineer for water transport
- Chief and Chief marine engineer – water transport
- Factory freezer trawler first and second engineer
- Fourth engineer and Junior engineer
- Fourth engineer
- Self-propelled drilling rig first and rig marine engineer officer
- Self-propelled drilling rig second engineer
- Ship engineer officer
- Coast Guard vessel second, second watchkeeping and senior engineer
- Coast Guard vessel third engineer
- Marine engineer officer
- Coast Guard vessel first watchkeeping and marine engineer officer
- Fishing vessel chief engineer and engineer officer
- Marine engineer officer-cadet
- Marine second and senior engineer
- Mobile platform chief engineer – offshore drilling
- Third engineer
- Third engineer – water transport
- Tugboat engineer
- Offshore drilling rig marine engineer officer
- Second engineer
- Self-propelled barge marine and drilling rig chief engineer officer
NOTE: Moving NOC 2274 to the transportation industry, BOC 7 (Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations).
NOC code: 2275 converted into NOC code: 72604 Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators. The professions in this skill category are
- Centralized traffic control (CTC) operator – railway traffic
- Marine traffic regulator
- Rail traffic controller
- Locomotive dispatcher
- Marine traffic controller
- Train dispatcher
- Train dispatchers supervisor
- Centralized traffic controller – railway traffic
- Chief rail traffic controller
- Chief train dispatcher
- Train operator
- Waterway traffic checker
- Head train dispatcher
TEER level 2: Others technical trades
NOC code: 7384 converted into NOC code: 72999 Other technical trades and related occupations. The professions in this skill category are
- Aircraft mock-up maker
- Anvilsmith
- Apprentice saw repairer
- Blacksmith
- Blacksmith – agriculture
- Blacksmith – manufacturing
- Aircraft model maker
- Aircraft patternmaker
- Bomb-disposal expert
- Circular saw filer
- Clearance diver
- Commercial diver
- Commercial free-diver
- Commercial scuba diver
- Farrier
- Forest products saw filer
- Glass calibrator
- Gun repairer
- Gunsmith
- Hammersmith
- Hard-hat diver
- Horseshoer
- Linesman/woman – shipbuilding
- Loftsman/woman – shipbuilding
- Model and mock-up maker
- Plaster pattern maker
- Plaster pattern maker – aircraft
- Lock expert
- Lock fitter
- Commercial skin diver
- Deep-sea diver
- Die setter
- Diver
- Diving contractor
- Model and mock-up maker – aeronautics
- Model and mould maker – concrete products
- Model maker
- Motor vehicle model maker
- Offshore diver
- Stonework patternmaker
- Template maker
- Remote operated vehicle (ROV) operator
- Restoration steeplejack
- Rope access technician (RAT)
- Saw doctor
- Saw filer
- Underwater contractor
- Underwater worker
- Patternmaker – aeronautics
- Plaster mould maker – aircraft
- Diving supervisor
- Explosive ordnance detector
- Farm blacksmith
- Lock repairer
- Lock repairman/woman
- Safe and vault installer-servicer
- Safe and vault repairer
- Safe and vault servicer
- Safe and vault technician
- Safe expert
- Safe maker
- Salvage diver
- Lock setter
- Locksmith
- Locksmithing expert
- Loftsman/woman – aircraft manufacturing
- Reclamation diver
- Scientific instrument calibrator
- Search and rescue diver
- Ship model maker
- Small arms repairer
- Small-aircraft model maker
- Smokestack repairer
- Steeplejack
- Vault repairer
- Vault servicer
- Working model maker – aircraft
- Saw fitter
- Saw fitter-filer
- Saw maker
- Saw repairer
- Saw repairman/woman
- Sawmill saw fitter
- Sawsmith
- Scale calibrator
- Template maker – aeronautics
- Template maker – shipbuilding
- Time lock expert
- Toolsmith
NOTE: The NOC 7384 was divided. Other technical crafts and allied occupations job titles were transferred from NOC 7384 to NOC 72999.
TEER level 3: Concrete finishers, tilesetters and plasterers
Most jobs in this category need a college degree, less than two years of apprenticeship training, or longer than six months of on-the-job training.
NOC code: 7282 converted into NOC code: 73100 Concrete finishers. The professions in this skill category are
- Apprentice cement finisher
- Cement finisher
- Cement finisher apprentice
- Concrete floor finisher
- Concrete mason
- Maintenance cement mason
- Precast concrete finisher
- Sidewalk concrete finisher
- Concrete patcher-finisher
- Concrete product finisher
- Concrete smoother-finisher
- Highway and street cement mason
- Journeyman/woman cement finisher
- Cement mason
- Cement mason apprentice
- Concrete finisher
- Concrete finisher apprentice
- Concrete polisher
NOC code: 7283 converted into NOC code: 73101 Tilesetters. The professions in this skill category are
- Tile installer
- Ceramic tilesetter
- Marble mason
- Ceramic tile installer
- Terrazzo polisher
- Marble mechanic
- Marble setter
- Marble tilesetter
- Apprentice tilesetter
- Granite setter
- Journeyman/woman tilesetter
- Marble layer
- Terrazzo worker
- Terrazzo, tile and marble setter
- Tile fitter
- Tile floor layer
- Artificial marble setter
- Terrazzo setter
- Mosaic tilesetter
- Terrazzo finisher
- Terrazzo floor layer
- Terrazzo layer
- Terrazzo mason
- Terrazzo mechanic
- Tile layer
- Tile mason
- Tile mechanic
- Tilesetter
- Tilesetters lead hand
NOC code: 7284 converted into NOC code: 73102 Plasterers, drywall installers and finishers and lathers. The professions in this skill category are
- Apprentice drywall applicator
- Apprentice plasterer
- Ceiling installer
- Drywall finisher
- Drywall finisher apprentice
- Drywall hanger
- Drywall installer and finisher apprentice
- Drywall installer lead hand
- Drywall installer team leader
- Drywall interior systems installer
- Drywall applicator
- Fireproofing plasterer
- Gyproc applicator
- Gypsum lather
- Gypsum plasterboard applicator
- Interior drywall installer
- Interior drywall systems installer
- Journeyman/woman drywall installer
- Journeyman/woman lather
- Journeyman/woman plasterer
- Drywall nailing person
- Drywall taper
- Exterior plasterer
- Finish plasterer
- Fireproofing applicator
- Ceiling system installer
- Drywall and acoustic mechanic
- Wallboard installer
- Wallboard taper
- Wire lather
- Wood lather
- Drywall nailer
- Plasterer apprentice
- Plasterer-decorator
- Lather applicator
- Lather apprentice
- Metal lather
- Moulding plasterer
- Drywall mechanic
- Plasterer
- Lather
- Lather (interior systems mechanic)
- Stucco lather
- Stucco plasterer
- Wall and ceiling installer
- Sheetrock applicator
- Drywall and ceiling system installer
- Drywall and lather applicator
- Acoustic tile and drywall installer
- Drywall installer
- Drywall installer and finisher
- Acoustic tile installer
- Acoustical ceiling installer
- Ornamental plasterer
TEER level 3: Roofers, glaziers, painters, decorators and floor covering installers
NOC code: 7291 converted into NOC code: 73110 Roofers and shinglers. The professions in this skill category are
- Asphalt shingle roofer
- Asphalt shingler
- Built-up flat roofer
- Apprentice shingle roofer
- Asphalt and gravel roofer
- Asphalt roofer
- Composition roofer
- Flat roofer
- Gravel roofer
- Built-up roofer
- Roofer and waterproofer
- Roofer trainee
- Tile roofer
- Waterproofer and roofer
- Wood shingle roofer
- Shingler
- Cedar shakes shingler
- Cedar shingler
- Apprentice roofer
- Journeyman/woman roofer
- Roofing mechanic
- Shingle roofer
- Roof tiler
- Roofer
- Shingler trainee
- Single-ply roofer
- Tar and gravel roofer
- Tar roofer
- Metal roofer
- Residential building shingler
- Residential steep roofer
- Wood shingler
NOC code: 7292 converted into NOC code: 73111 Glaziers. The professions in this skill category are
- Building glazier
- Curtain wall glazier
- Leaded glass glazier
- Building glass glazier
- Glass and metal mechanic
- Glass installer-glazier
- Journeyman/woman glazier
- Glass worker – construction
- Glass worker apprentice
- Mirror wall installer
- Plate glass installer
- Stained glass glazier
- Structural glass glazier
- Glass setter – construction
- Glass wall installer
- Glass wallcovering installer
- Exterior wall glazier
- Apprentice glazier
- Glazier
- Glazier and metal mechanic
- Glazier and metal mechanic apprentice
- Glazier apprentice
- Structural glass installer
NOC code: 7294 converted into NOC code: 73112 Painters and decorators (except interior decorators). The professions in this skill category are
- Apprentice industrial painter and decorator
- Journeyman/woman painter and decorator
- Bridge painter
- Paperhanger
- Specialized painter and decorator
- House painter
- Industrial construction painter
- Plant maintenance painter
- Construction painter
- Maintenance painter
- Painter
- Painter and decorator
- Painter and decorator apprentice
- Apprentice painter and decorator
- Roof painter
- Building painter
- Commercial building painter
- Commercial construction painter
- Painter-decorator
- Rough painter – construction
- Industrial maintenance painter
- Painter and paperhanger
- Residential construction painter
- Residential painter
NOC code: 7295 converted into NOC code: 73113 Floor covering installers. The professions in this skill category are
- Carpet layer
- Journeyman/woman floor covering installer
- Parquet floor layer
- Residential floor and wall covering installer
- Floor layer
- Composition floor layer
- Floor covering installer
- Floor covering installer apprentice
- Apprentice floor covering installer
- Broadloom installer
- Linoleum floor installer
- Linoleum floor layer
- Vinyl tile layer
- Wood floor covering layer
- Carpet installer
- Floor covering mechanic
- Linoleum floor covering installer
- Linoleum floor covering layer
- Wood floor installer
- Floor sheeting layer
- Floor tile layer
- Hardwood floor covering installer
- Hardwood floor layer
- Rug layer
- Vinyl floor installer
- Vinyl floor layer
- Journeyman/woman floor mechanic
- Residential wall and floor covering installer
- Resilient floor installer
- Resilient floor layer
- Rug installer
TEER level 3: Building maintenance installers, servicers and repairers
NOC code: 7441 converted into NOC code: 73200 Residential and commercial installers and servicers. The professions in this skill category are
- Air treatment installer
- Aluminum window installer
- Awning erector
- Awning installer
- Basket weave fence erector
- Bathtub liner installer
- Billboard erector
- Aluminum awning installer
- Aluminum door and window installer
- Aluminum door installer
- Aluminum siding installer
- Chain link fence erector
- Cladder
- Commercial sign erector
- Automatic door system installer and servicer
- Dishwasher installer
- Dock builder-installer
- Door installer
- Drapery hanger
- Drapery installer
- Duct installer
- Automatic garage door installer
- Commercial sign installer
- Countertop installer
- Curtain installer
- Fence builder
- Fence erector
- Fence installer
- Floor sander
- Floor sander and finisher
- Floor sander and polisher
- Electrical appliance installer
- Exterior cladder
- Exterior trimmer – building
- Hot tub servicer
- Hot water heater installer
- Household appliance installer
- Deck installer
- Electric household appliance installer – residential and commercial equipment
- Electric sign erector
- Kitchen cabinet installer
- Laboratory equipment and furnishings installer
- Lightning cable installer
- Lightning rod installer
- Louvred fence erector
- Neon sign installer
- Office furniture installer
- Overhead door installer
- Patio builder
- Pipe organ erector
- Recreation equipment erector
- Recreation structure erector
- Mobile home equipment servicer
- Industrial door installer
- Interlocking stone and paving stone installer
- Irrigation technician – installation and maintenance
- Neon sign erector
- Residential door installer
- Residential room air conditioner installer
- Satellite antenna installer
- Pipe organ installer
- Pool equipment installer
- Pool service routeman/woman
- Pool servicer
- Mobile home servicer
- Septic system installer
- Structure seat installer
- Swimming pool filter and heater installer
- Swimming pool installer
- Rail fence builder
- Satellite dish installer
- Garage door installer
- Hot tub installer
- Deck builder
- Mobile home maintainer
- Mobile home repairer
- Traffic signal installer
- Travel trailer installer-servicer
- Septic tank installer
- Siding applicator
- Siding installer
- Sign erector
- Sign installer
- Snow fence erector
- Solar heating equipment installer and technician
- Solar hot water system installer
- Vanity and kitchen cupboard installer
- Venetian blind installer
- Vinyl pool installer
- Water conditioner repairer
- Water conditioner servicer
- Swimming pool repairer
- Swimming pool servicer
- Swimming pool worker
- Television antenna installer
- Window film installer
- Window installer
- Window shade installer
- Wire fence erector
- Wood siding applicator
- Wooden fence erector
- Wooden panel installer
- Wooden window sash installer
- Traffic light installer
- Water heater installer
- Water heater servicer
- Water softener installer
- Water softener repairer
- Water softener servicer
- Water softening system servicer, installer and repairer
- Weather strip installer and stripper
NOC code: 6733 converted into NOC code: 73201 General building maintenance workers and building superintendents. The professions in this skill category are
- Airport maintenance worker
- Building handyman/woman
- Building handyperson
- Factory maintenance worker
- Handyman/woman
- Handyperson
- Maintenance person – building
- Apartment building maintenance worker
- Building maintenance man/woman
- Building maintenance worker
- Building operator – maintenance
- Apartment maintenance man/woman
- Building services worker
- Building superintendent
- Factory maintenance man/woman
- Factory maintenance operator
- Plant maintenance worker
NOTE: Node 6733 was divided. Building supervisor and maintenance-related job titles were transferred from NOC 6733 to NOC 73201.
NOC code: 7444 converted into NOC code: 73202 Pest controllers and fumigators. The professions in this skill category are
- Nuisance control trapper
- Pest control operator
- Fumigator
- Animal control trapper
- Exterminator
- Pest extermination representative
- Pest control technician
- Pest control trapper
- Pest controller
- Pest control representative
- Pest control service representative
- Pest exterminator
- Pest fumigator
NOC code: 7445 converted into NOC code: 73209 Other repairers and servicers. The professions in this skill category are
- Archery bow repairer
- Archery bow repairer – sporting goods manufacturing
- Automobile wrecker
- Automotive dismantler
- Camera repairman/woman
- Musical instrument tuner
- Piano action adjuster
- Pipe organ tuner and repairer
- Gas meter servicer
- Gas meter tester
- Electric sign repairer
- Electric toy repairer
- Farebox repairer
- Fire equipment repairer
- Automotive maintenance equipment servicer
- Awning and tent repairer
- Beer-dispensing equipment repairer
- Bicycle mechanic
- Bicycle repairer
- Golf club head adjuster
- Golf club repairer
- Dictaphone repairer
- Accordion repairer
- Adding machine repairer
- Air compressor repairer
- Archery bow finisher – sporting goods manufacturing
- Dictaphone servicer
- Domestic sewing machine mechanic and repairer
- Billiard and bowling equipment installer-repairer
- Billiard cue weigher
- Billiard table repairer
- Billiard table servicer
- Boat propeller repairer
- Bow repairer
- Camera repairer
- Fire equipment servicer
- Fire extinguisher repairer
- Gas meter repairer
- d tool repairman/woman
- Hydraulic unit repairer
- Industrial belt repairer
- Instrument salvage inspector
- Juke box mechanic
- Machinery salvager
- Mechanical meter repairer
- Meter repairer
- Meter servicer
- Musical instrument repairer
- Musical instrument tester
- Guitar repairer
- Gyroscope repairer
- Gyroscope repairman/woman
- Han
- Pipeline safety valve repairer
- Scale mechanic
- Scale repairer
- Violin repairer
- Piano action regulator
- Piano repairer
- Piano stringer
- Piano technician
- Piano tone regulator
- Piano tuner
- Neon sign repairer
- Net mender
- Net repairer
- Organ tuner
- Oriental rug repairer
- Parking meter repairer
- Parking meter servicer
- Photofinishing equipment repairer
- Piano tuner-technician
- Water meter repairer
- Pipeline valve repairer
- Pneumatic tool repairer
- Pneumatic tube and unit tester repairer
- Respirator servicer and fitter
- Scaffold repairer
- Sporting goods repairer
- Sports equipment repairer
- Shaker, Sieve and Ski equipment repairer
- Speedometer repairer
- Transcribing machine servicer
- Vending machine mechanic
- Vending machine repairer
- Spray gun repairer
- Steam meter repairer
- Stone saw setter
- Stringed instrument repairer
- Surveying and optical instrument technician and repairer
- Surveying and optical instrument
- Survival equipment repairer
- Taximeter repairer
- Thermostat repairer
- Torque wrench calibrator
- Wind instrument repairer
NOTE: The NOC 7445 was divided. Other repairers and servicers-related positions were transferred from NOC 7445 to NOC 73209.
TEER level 3: Transport truck and transit drivers
NOC code: 7511 converted into NOC code: 73300 Transport truck drivers. The professions in this skill category are
- Automobile carrier driver
- Automobile transport driver
- Commercial truck driver
- Bulk milk truck driver
- Cement truck driver – construction
- Coal hauler (except underground mining)
- Commercial driver
- Dump truck driver
- Escort – transportation
- Explosives truck driver
- Gasoline truck operator
- Commercial vehicle operator
- Dangerous goods truck driver
- Heavy truck driver
- Hydrovac truck operator
- Line-haul driver
- Flatbed truck driver
- Freight truck driver
- Fuel oil truck driver
- Log hauler
- Log truck driver
- Line-haul truck driver
- Liquid fertilizer truck driver
- Local truck driver
- Bulk goods truck driver
- Gravel hauler
- Gravel truck driver
- Groceries long haul driver
- Logging truck driver
- Moving van driver
- Long distance truck driver
- Long haul driver
- Long haul tractor-trailer driver
- Long haul transport driver
- Long haul truck driver
- Muskeg tractor operator
- Oil transport driver
- Professional truck driver
- Mobile concrete mixer driver
- Mobile support equipment operator – Canadian armed forces
- Moving truck driver
- Tank truck driver
- Tow truck driver
- Tractor-trailer truck driver
- Transport driver
- Transport truck driver
- Short haul truck driver
- Shunt truck driver
- Ready-mix driver – construction
- Ready-mix truck driver
- Truck mixer driver – construction
- Truck operator
- Truck owner operator
- Regional truck driver
- Long combination vehicle (LCV) driver
- Low-bed semi-trailer driver
- Mobile cement mixer driver
- Shunter – trucking
- Shunter truck driver
- Truck driver
- Trucker
- Truck-trailer driver
NOC code: 7512 converted into NOC code: 73301 Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators. The professions in this skill category are
- Articulated bus operator
- Bus driver
- Intercity bus driver
- Light rail transit operator
- Long distance bus driver
- Shuttle driver – auto dealership
- Shuttle driver – car rental company
- Shuttle operator
- Sightseeing bus driver
- Sightseeing tour driver
- Streetcar conductor
- Streetcar operator
- Subway train operator
- Tour bus operator
- School bus driver – special needs passengers
- Shuttle bus driver
- Bus driver – special needs passengers
- Bus operator
- Bus operator – accessible services
- Charter bus driver
- Trolley bus operator
- Trolley coach driver
- Transit operator – transportation
- Motor coach driver
- Public passenger transit driver
- School bus driver
- Urban transit operator
TEER level 3: Train crew operating occupations
NOC code: 7361 converted into NOC code: 73310 Railway and yard locomotive engineers. The professions in this skill category are
- Diesel locomotive engineer – railway
- Locomotive hostler
- Yard locomotive engineer – railway
- Freight train engineer
- Industrial locomotive engineer
- Locomotive engineer – railway
- Railway engineer
- Passenger train engineer
- Passenger train locomotive engineer
- Switch engineer – railway
- Train engineer
- Transfer hostler – railway
- Yard engineer – railway
- Railway engineer trainee
- Railway hostler
- Railway locomotive engineer
NOC code: 7362 converted into NOC code: 73311 Railway conductors and brakemen / women. The professions in this skill category are
- Brake worker – switching yard
- Conductor – railway yard
- Conductor – road freight
- Tail-end brakeman/woman
- Brakeman/woman
- Freight train conductor
- Front-end brakeman/woman
- Head brakeman/woman
- Brakeman/woman – railway
- Brakeman/woman – railway yard
- Brakeman/woman – switching yard
- Train conductor
- Conductor – switching yard
- Freight train brakeman/woman
- Passenger train brakeman/woman
- Passenger train conductor
- Pullman conductor
- Railway conductor
- Road freight brakeman/woman
- Sleeping car conductor
TEER level 3: Operators, drillers and blasters
NOC code: 7521 converted into NOC code: 73400 Heavy equipment operators. The professions in this skill category are
- Aerial tram operator
- Asphalt roller operator
- Asphalt spreader operator
- Backhoe operator
- Bituminous paver operator – heavy equipment
- Bobcat operator
- Boom-conveyor operator
- Cat skinner
- Caterpillar car operator
- Caterpillar operator
- Concrete spreader operator – heavy equipment
- Concrete and Asphalt grooving machine operator
- Asphalt street paver operator
- Asphalt-paving machine operator
- Asphalt-paving screed operator
- Apprentice heavy equipment operator
- Asphalt batch plant operator
- Asphalt plant operator
- Concrete-paving machine operator
- Continuous bucket excavator operator
- Crawler tractor operator
- Bucketwheel operator
- Bucketwheel-excavator operator
- Buggy-operator skinner
- Buggy-scraper operator
- Bulldozer driver
- Bulldozer operator
- Cat operator
- Ditcher operator – construction
- Forest road machine operator
- Front end loader operator
- Gradall operator
- Grader operator
- Groove-cutting machine operator
- Grooving machine operator – heavy equipment
- Heater-planer operator
- Heavy construction-equipment operator
- Heavy equipment operating engineer
- Ditching machine operator
- Dozer operator
- Dredge operator
- Dredge runner
- Earth-moving equipment operator
- Marine railway operator
- Mining shovel operator (except underground)
- Mole operator
- Mucker operator – construction
- Mucking machine operator – construction
- Paver operator
- Payloader operator
- Peat-moss-cutting machine operator
- Heavy-duty equipment operator apprentice
- Ho-ram operator
- Horizontal earth-boring machine operator
- Hydraulic excavator operator
- Industrial backhoe operator
- Loader operator – construction
- Peat-moss-gathering machine operator
- Pile driver winch operator
- Pile-driving hammer operator
- Pipelayer operator
- Power grader operator
- Power shovel operator
- Pulvimixer operator
- Ripper operator – heavy equipment
- Road grader operator
- Road mixer operator
- Road planer operator
- Heavy equipment operator
- Heavy equipment operator apprentice
- Heavy-duty equipment operator
- Trenching machine operator
- Tunnelling machine operator
- Vibratory road roller operator
- Shovel operator – heavy equipment
- Side boom operator – pipeline construction
- Electrical equipment operator – shovel
- Elevating grader operator
- Elevating scraper operator
- Excavating machine operator
- Excavator operator
- Side boom tractor operator
- Snow removal equipment operator – private home
- Snow-grooming machine operator
- Road roller operator
- Roller operator
- Rotary trencher operator
- Scarifier operator
- Scraper operator
- Shield operator
- Tractor operator – construction
- Tractor-excavator operator
- Trench-digging machine operator
- Spreader operator – heavy equipment
- Stacker operator – heavy equipment
- Street paver operator
- Stripping shovel operator
- Structural hydraulic jack erector
- Surface mining equipment operator
- Track-loader operator
- Vibratory roller operator
NOC code: 7381 converted into NOC code: 73401 Printing press operators. The professions in this skill category are
NOC code: 7381 converted into NOC code: 73401 Printing press operators. The professions in this skill category are
- Apprentice press operator
- Ink evaluation pressman/woman – printing
- Lithographic printer
- Newspaper press operator
- Wallpaper gravure proof and rotogravure press operator
- Apprentice press operator and pressman/woman
- Cylinder press and set-up operator
- Cylinder pressman/woman and printing press set-up operator
- Apprentice printing and First press operator – printing
- Assistant pressman/woman – printing
- Commercial press operator
- First pressman/woman
- Gravure printing and proof press operator
- Assistant press operator – printing
- Flexographic press operator
- Gravure press operator
- Intaglio printer and operator
- Letterpress operator, proof press operator and proof puller
- Lithographic offset proofing hand and proofer
- Offset press operator
- Newspaper pressman/woman
- Offset lithographic proof press operator – printing
- Offset machine operator
- Assistant pressman/woman
- Offset press operator and printer
- Photoengraved plate proof press operator and puller
- Platen press operator – printing
- Gravure printer – printing
- Lithographic press operator and pressman/woman
- Web press operator and pressman/woman
- Proof pressman/woman, Proofer, Proofing hand and press operator
- Rotary offset press operator
- Rotary press operator
- Rotogravure press operator – printing
- Platen press tender
- Press operator – printing
- Pressman/woman – printing
- Printer
- Assistant for printing press operator
- Printing press technologist and operator
- Press operator for sheet metal lithographic
- Senior press operator and pressman/woman
NOC code: 7372 converted into NOC code: 73402 Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction. The professions in this skill category are
- Air-track drill operator – construction
- Core drill operator – construction, surface mining and quarrying
- Diamond drill operator – surface mining and quarrying
- Driller – quarrying
- Driller – surface mine
- Blaster – surface mining
- Blaster (except underground mining)
- Construction driller
- Open-pit driller
- Quarry driller
- Rotary drilling machine operator
- Rotary drilling machine operator – surface mining and quarrying
- Seismic prospecting driller
- Foundation drill operator
- Driller – surface mining
- Drilling machine operator – construction
- Construction blaster
- Blaster – quarrying
- Foundation drill operator – construction
- Open-pit blaster
TEER level 4: Mail and message distribution occupations
A high school graduation or several weeks of on-the-job training are typically required for jobs in this category.
NOC code: 1511 converted into NOC code: 74100 Mail and parcel sorters and related occupations. The professions in this skill category are
- Addressing machine operator – mail and parcel sorting
- Inserting machine tender – mail and parcel sorting
- Mailing machine operator
- Mail dispatcher
- Mail distribution clerk
- Mail filing clerk
- Letter sorting clerk
- Envelope-sealing and envelope-imprinting machine tender
- Mail handler
- Mail processing clerk
- Parcel sorter
- Postal clerk – mail and parcel sorting
- Sorting and routing clerk
- Stamp-cancelling machine tender – mail and parcel sorting
- Warehouse worker – mail and parcel sorting
- Mail sortation clerk
- Mail sorter
- Mail tracing clerk
- Address-labelling machine tender
- Address-plate inserter
- Mail-sorting system operator
- Package handler
NOTE: The NOC 1511 was divided. Job titles for mail and package sorters were transferred from NOC 1511 to NOC 74100. A job for a mail and package sorter was transferred to the transportation sector, BOC 7. (Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations).
NOC code: 1512 converted into NOC code: 74101 Letter carriers. The professions in this skill category are
- Letter carrier
- Mail deliverer
- Postal carrier
- Rural mail carrier
- Special delivery mail carrier
- Mail carrier
- Mail collector
- Postal service deliverer
- Postal worker
- Postman/woman
- Priority post carrier
NOTE: Moving NOC 1512 to the transportation industry, BOC 7 (Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations).
NOC code: 1513 converted into NOC code: 74102 Couriers and messengers. The professions in this skill category are
- Bank messenger
- Courier service driver
- Mail courier – courier service
- Mail service courier
- Message carrier
- Message deliverer
- Bank runner
- Bill distributor
- Motorized mail courier
- Office messenger
- Parcel deliverer – courier service
- Copy runner – courier service
- Courier
- Postal clerk – Canadian armed forces
- Runner – courier service
- Town messenger driver
- Courier service delivery person
- Messenger
- Messenger-clerk
- The NOC 1513 was divided. Courier and messenger-related job titles were transferred from NOC 1513 to NOC 74102. The transport industry now includes the employment of courier and messenger, BOC 7. (Transport, Trades, and equipment operators related occupations).
- The NOC 7514 was divided. Drivers for courier services now have positions under NOC 74102 rather than NOC 7514.
TEER level 4: Transport equipment operators, utility maintenance and related maintenance workers
NOC code: 7531 converted into NOC code: 74200 Railway yard and track maintenance workers. The professions in this skill category are
- Aligner-tamper operator: railway
- Ballast-equalizer operator: railway
- Coupler: railway yard
- Anchor-applicator operator: railway
- Automatic anchor-applicator operator – railway
- Fitter tracks – railway
- Journal box greaser: railway yard
- Lag bolter operator: railway
- Interlocking cabin switcher: railway yard
- Interlocking signal box switcher – railway yard
- Locomotive servicer
- Track layer – railway
- Yard coupler – railway
- Yard switchman/woman – railway transport
- Yard trainman/woman
- Railway track patroller
- Railway track repairer
- Railway: trackman/woman
- Rail-grinder operator: railway
- Rail-lifter operator: railway
- Railway car controller – railway yard
- Railway car distributor
- Railway line inspector
- Railway: maintenance equipment operator
- Signalman/woman: Railway
- Servicer of Railway tank car
- Inspector of Railway tie
- Inspector of Railway track
- Machine operator: railway
- Motor vehicle operator: pole yard
- Rail grinder: railway
- Locomotive distributor: railway yard
- Engine servicer of Locomotive
- Maintenance attendant of Locomotive
- Mechanical tamper operator: railway
- Ballast-leveller operator: railway
- Car controller: railway
- Freight car distributor – railway yard
- Gandy dancer – railway
- Rail saw operator
- Rail saw operator – railway
- Rail-aligner operator: railway
- Towerman/woman: railway transport
- Track broom machine operator: railway
- Track dresser: railway
- Track fitter: railway
- Railway – track maintenance equipment operator
- Railway – track maintenance worker
- Railway yard: Transfer table operator
- Railway yard: Turntable operator
- Railway: Tie-placer operator
- Railway: Tie-plate-placer operator
- Railway transport – Tower operator
- Engine maintenance worker of Railway train
- Injector operator – Railway-tie
- Railway yard: Retarder operator
- Railway: Section worker
- Railway: Signal tower operator
- Railway transport: Signalman/woman
- Railway: Snowblower operator
- Railway: Spike machine operator
- Railway: Spike puller machine operator
- Railway: Spike-driver operator
- Railway: Spiker operator
- Railway yard: Trainman/woman
- Railway: Tamper-aligner operator
- Railway: Tamping machine operator
- Railway yard: Tank car controller
- Railway: Tie axe unit operator
- Railway: Tie crane operator
- Tie-cutter operator – railway
- Yard worker – railway
- Track tamper – railway
- Railway: Track-liner operator
- Railway: Track-maintenance-machine operator
- Railway yard: Trackman/woman
- Railway: Trackmobile operator
- Track-surfacing machine operator – railway
- Trackwalker – railway
- Yardman/woman – railway
- Railway: Spiking machine operator
- Railway yard: Switch tender
- Railway yard: Switcher
- Railway yard: Switching station switcher
- Railway: Switchman/woman
- Railway: Tamper operator
- Railway: Tie-cutting machine operator
- Railway: Tie-end-remover operator
- Railway: Tie-injector operator
- Railway: Track maintenance worker
- Railway: Track repairman/woman
NOC code: 7532 converted into NOC code: 74201 Water transport deck and engine room crew. The professions in this skill category are
- Boatswain – Canadian armed forces
- Deckhand
- Deckhand – ships
- Dredge deckhand
- Engine and boiler room crew member – ships
- Engine room crew member – ship
- Boatswain – water transport
- Boiler tender – ships
- Able seaman/woman (except armed forces)
- Able-bodied seaman/woman
- Barge deckhand
- Log boom tugboat deckhand
- Marine engine oiler
- Marine engineering mechanic
- Boatswain
- Marine oiler
- Mechanical assistant – water transport
- Ship engine room greaser
- Ship engine room mechanical assistant
- Ship’s carpenter
- Stoker – ships
- Tanker pumper – ship
- Tugboat deckhand
- Wheelsman/woman
- Ordinary seaman/woman (except armed forces)
- Pump seaman/woman
- Engine room greaser – marine
- Engine room greaser – water transport
- Ship stoker
- Ship tunnel operator
- Ship tunnelman/woman
- Ship watchman/woman
- Engine room mechanical assistant – ships
- Ferryboat deckhand
- Helmsman/woman – water transport
- Marine engineering technician
- Pumpman/woman – ships
- Quartermaster
- Seaman/woman
- Ship boiler tender
NOC code: 7534 converted into NOC code: 74202 Air transport ramp attendants. The professions in this skill category are
- Aircraft cleaner
- Freight attendant – air transport
- Ramp lead hand – air transport
- Ramp services supervisor – airport
- Aircraft towing equipment operator
- Airport ramp attendant
- Baggage loader – air transport
- Ramp station attendant – air transport
- Aircraft groomer
- Ramp agent – air transport
- Ramp attendant – air transport
- Aircraft refueler
- Station attendant – air transport
- Cargo attendant – air transport
- Cargo handler – air transport
- Cargo loader – air transport
- Job titles for ramp attendants in the aviation industry were transferred from NOC 7534 to NOC 72404.
- The NOC 1215 was divided. The NOC 1215 position of “Ramp Services Supervisor – Airport” has been transferred to NOC 74202.
NOC code: 7535 converted into NOC code: 74203 Automotive and heavy truck and equipment parts installers and servicers. The professions in this skill category are
- Automobile lubricator
- Crane greaser
- Crane oiler
- Crane and dragline oiler and greaser
- Heavy truck oiler
- Oiler – automotive service
- Pipeline equipment servicer and service truck driver
- Radiator installer – auto repair service
- Dragline oiler
- Crawler track servicer
- Heavy equipment servicer (except mechanic)
- Heavy truck greaser
- Automotive radiator and shock absorber installer
- Electric golf cart servicer and truck servicer (except mechanic)
- Excavator oiler
- Shock absorber installer
- Shovel oiler
- Heavy-duty equipment servicer (except mechanic)
- Hostler – transit system
- Greaser
- Heavy equipment greaser and service truck driver
- Radiator and Muffler installer
- Loading shovel oiler
- Oil changer – motor vehicle service
- Stripping shovel oiler
- Tire changer – automotive service
- Tire repairer
- Spring installer
NOC code: 7442 converted into NOC code: 74204 Utility maintenance workers. The professions in this skill category are
- Damage prevention technician
- Maintenance utility worker
- Pipe locator – utilities
- Pipeline maintenance worker
- Gas main leak locator
- Gas main leakage tester
- Distribution and maintenance worker – utilities
- Gas leak surveyor
- Gas main leak inspector
- Gas leak inspector
- Pipeline rehabilitation worker
- Power pole inspector
- Troubleshooter – pipeline
- Underground lines inspector – utilities
- Utility locator
- Utility maintenance worker
- Line locator – utilities
- Gas main maintenance and repairman/woman
- Water main maintenance man/woman
- Water main maintenance worker
- Utility pole inspector
- Utility pole tester
- Waterworks maintenance worker
- Waterworks repairman/woman
- Gas leak locator
- Gas meter installer
- Gas regulator
- Gas utility operator
- Hydrant and valve maintenance worker
- Waterworks utility servicer
- Water meter installer
- Water supply maintenance worker
- Water system maintenance worker
- Water utilities plant maintenance man/woman
- Gas maintenance worker
- Field measurement hand – utilities
- Pipeline patrolman/woman
- Utility plant maintenance worker
- Waterworks and gas maintenance personnel’ job titles were transferred from NOC 7442 to NOC 74204.
- The NOC 7522 was divided. Utility and power pole inspection-related job titles were transferred from NOC 7522 to NOC 74204.
NOC code: 7522 converted into NOC code: 74205 Public works maintenance equipment operators and related workers. The professions in this skill category are
- Public works: Collection truck driver
- Public works: Drain roto servicer
- Municipal maintenance equipment operator
- Electrical forester
- Equipment operator – municipal public work
- Garbage collector – driver
- Garbage truck driver
- Public works: Power sweeper operator
- Public works: maintenance equipment operator
- Driver of Recycling truck
- Public works: Maintenance equipment operator
- Public works: Mechanical sweeper operator
- Public works: Salt truck operator
- Operator of Sand spreader
- Sand spreader operator – public works
- Operator of Street sweeper
- Public works: Street sweeper operator
- Public works: Urban snow removal equipment operator
- Public works: Sprinkling truck driver
- Street flusher operator
- Public works: Street flusher operator
- Street sprinkler operator – public works
- Utility tree worker
- Public works: Sanding truck operator
- Driver of Sanitation truck
- Public works: Sewer flusher operator-driver
- Public works: Recycling truck driver
- Public works: Refuse truck driver
- Road snowplow operator – public works
- Salt truck operator
- Sewer-flushing truck operator
- Utility tree trimmer
- Operator of Highway snow removal equipment
- Operator of Highway snow plow
- Public works: Sewer jet cleaner operator
- Sewer jet machine operator: public works
- Snow removal equipment operator: public works
- Sewer-pipe-cleaning machine operator: public works
- Garbage truck driver – public works
- Utility arborist
- Utility forester
TEER level 5: Longshore workers and material handlers
Most occupations in this category demands a brief work history presentation but no formal schooling.
NOC code: 7451 converted into NOC code: 75100 Longshore workers. The professions in this skill category are
- Barge loader
- Dockerman/woman – marine cargo handling
- Dockworker
- Dockworker – marine cargo handling
- Longshore worker
- Longshore worker and tower-loader operator
- Boat loader
- Lumper – marine cargo handling
- Ship loader operator
- Shiploader operator
- Stevedore
- Dock hand
- Stower
- Tanker loader
- Tanker loader – marine cargo handling
- Tankerman/woman – marine cargo handling
- Tower-loader operator – marine cargo handling
- Wharfman/woman – marine cargo handling
- Longshoreman/woman
NOC code: 6221 converted into NOC code: 75101 Material handlers. The professions in this skill category are
- Ash handler
- Automated storage and retrieval system operator
- Bin filler
- Coal conveyor operator – surface mining
- Coal dumper
- Coal handler
- Coal loader-unloader
- Coal wheeler
- Coal-moving equipment operator
- Bulk materials carrier operator
- Bulk materials loader operator
- Bulk materials unloader
- Cement loader and sacker
- Conveyor belt attendant
- Conveyor belt operator (except underground mines)
- Conveyor belt patroller-controller
- Binman/woman
- Box bander
- Box filler
- Boxcar loader
- Bucket elevator operator
- Automatic pallet equipment operator
- Bandoleer packer – explosives manufacturing
- Belt conveyor attendant
- Beltman/woman
- Bin attendant
- Coal conveyor operator
- Dumper – material handling
- Dumper – surface coal mining
- Electric dolly operator
- Electric mule operator
- Electric truck operator
- Explosives handler
- Explosives packer
- Express service handler (except air transport)
- Conveyor console operator
- Freight unloader (except air transport)
- Furniture loader-unloader
- Furniture mover
- Glass cut-off machine unloader
- Grain conveyor operator
- Grain elevator operator
- Grain handler
- Feed mill loader
- Forklift operator
- Forklift truck operator
- Freight car loader
- Freight car unloader
- Freight handler (except air transport)
- Conveyor tender – material handling (except underground mines)
- Cribber – grain elevator
- Disposal worker – warehouse
- Dockman/woman – truck transport
- Fats and oils loader
- Industrial truck operator
- Jack lift operator
- Freight loader (except air transport)
- Palletizer operator
- Paper wrapper – material handling
- Hand packager
- Hand sacker – material handling
- Hand truck operator
- Heavy materials handler
- Household goods mover
- Grain weigher
- Hand bagger – material handling
- Hand bundler
- Labourer – warehousing and storage
- Lift driver
- Lift jack operator
- Lift scoop operator
- Jitney driver – material handling
- Labourer – material handling
- Pick-up machine operator
- Piler – material handling
- Piler (except processing)
- Lumber piler – building supplies
- Lumber stocker – material handling
- Lumber unloader – material handling
- Malthouse worker
- Lift truck operator
- Light materials handler
- Liquids loader-unloader
- Loader-unloader – material handling
- Lumber handler – building supplies
- Stacker operator – material handling
- Pallet lift operator
- Pallet loader operator
- Pallet truck operator
- Material handler
- Material handler – manufacturing and warehousing
- Mobilift operator
- Munitions handler
- Package lift operator
- Packer – material handling
- Van loader
- Warehouse keeper helper
- Recycled paper handler
- Shingle piler – material handling
- Shipment assembler
- Skidder – fruit packing
- Stacker – material handling
- Pole distributor operator
- Pole stacker operator
- Power truck driver – material handling
- Railway car loader
- Reach truck operator
- Ready-mix truck loader
- Straddle truck operator
- Supermarket jigger operator
- Tank truck loader
- Tier lift truck operator
- Stacking machine operator – material handling
- Stacking machine tender – material handling
- Stock helper
- Stock-keeper helper
- Stockpiler
- Storage man/woman
- Storage worker – material handling
- Straddle carrier operator
- Warehouse worker – material handling
- Warehouseman/woman
- Warehouseperson
- Tow motor driver (except air transport)
- Truck load weigher
- Truck loader
- Used building materials yard attendant
- The NOC 6221 was divided. “Grain elevator operator” is now a job at NOC 75101 instead of NOC 6221.
- Occupational categories for material handlers in NOCs 7452 through 75101.
TEER level 5: Trades helpers and labourers
NOC code: 7371 converted into NOC code: 75110 Construction trades helpers and labourers. The professions in this skill category are
- Access floor installer helper
- Air breaker and gun operator
- Air hammer operator – construction
- Bituminous paving labourer and machine operator
- Blacktop raker and spreader
- Building painter helper and wrecker
- Cabinetmaker’s and Carpenter helper
- Asphalt mixer, plant labourer, raker, cold patcher, roofer helper and spreader
- Air lock tender, tool operator and track drill operator helper
- Asbestos fibre preparer and remover
- Brickmason’s helper
- Bridge gang worker for construction
- Building and house wrecker
- Cement pump operator
- Churn drill operator helper – water well
- Concrete block pourer and breaker
- Batterboard setter
- Bending machine operator – pipelines
- Bill poster
- Asphalt worker
- Awning installer helper
- Carpet layer and mechanics helper
- Caulker – construction
- Cement, concrete pump tender and finisher helper
- Cement gun and gun nozzle operator
- Cement mixer operator – construction
- Brick cleaner and Bricklayer helper
- Concrete finisher helper and float pourer
- Excavation labourer and worker
- Exterior cladder helper
- Concrete pump and gun operator
- Concrete former and mixer helper
- Concrete mixer and paver operator – construction
- Concrete operator helper and paving labourer
- Dampproofer helper
- Deck and Demolition worker
- Diamond driller helper – surface mining
- Earthworks labourer – construction
- Concrete spreader operator
- Concrete waterproofer – construction
- Construction craft labourer, electrician helper, helper, labourer and trades helper
- Crane hooker
- Cupola spray reliner
- Firebrick layer and Fitter helper
- Flagperson
- Floor coverer helper
- Grade tamper – construction
- Grout machine and pump operator
- Insulator helper
- Interior and exterior wall erector helper
- Interior finisher and Ironworker helper
- Jackhammer operator – construction
- Construction worker
- Crane chaser
- Joiner helper
- Horizontal earth-boring machine helper
- Hoseman/woman insulation helper
- Ditch cleaner – construction
- Door frame installer
- Dope machine operator – pipelines
- Dragline operator helper
- Dredge worker
- Driller helper – surface mining
- Drywall sander and acoustical board installer helper
- Industrial chimney repairer-mason helper
- Floor layer’s, sander and finisher helper
- Floorcovering installer and mechanic helper
- Form remover and stripper
- Glass setter and worker helper
- Glazier helper
- Insulation blower, blower helper, blower operator and hoseman/woman
- Foundation dampproofer, drill operator helper, form worker and waterproofer
- Framer helper – construction
- Gas line and pipe fuser
- Maintenance carpenter helper
- Highway concrete mixer operator helper, maintenance worker and sign erector
- Pipeline worker
- Metal form setter and roofer helper in construction
- Manual concrete vibrator and stone spreader operator
- Manual curb builder, operator and terrazzo grinder
- Pipeline welder Lightning rod erector helper
- Metal scaffold erector helper
- Metal trim erector helper
- Mole operator helper – construction
- Monument erector and setter
- Marble setter helper
- Masonry pointer and caulker
- Mason’s helper
- Paper latcher
- Paperhanger helper
- Pipelayer – irrigation
- Pipeline caulker, labourer and mandrel operator
- Ornamental iron erector and metal worker helper
- Painter and decorator helper
- Pile-driving lead placer helper and Pipe aligner
- Terrazzo polisher helper
- Tunnelling machine operator helper – construction
- Underground labourer – construction
- Scaffolder
- Seam caulker – construction
- Road mixer operator helper
- Pavement line painter and helper
- Pavement striper
- Paving operations labourer
- Pile driver operator helper – crane operation
- Pile driver operator’s helper
- Pile driving chainman/woman
- Pneumatic hammer operator – construction
- Pipe doper – construction
- Pipe-cleaning and covering machine operator
- Pipefitter helper – construction
- Pipelayer – construction
- Pipelayer – drainage systems
- Precast concrete caulker
- Preheater tender – pipelines
- Quarry dump attendant
- Plate fitter helper – construction
- Plumber helper
- Pneumatic drill operator – construction
- Pipeline-liner installer
- Pit bottom worker
- Plasterer helper
- Terrazzo mechanic helper
- Post hole driller
- Power curber tender
- Power shovel operator helper
- Rigger’s helper – construction
- Rip-rap placer
- Road form setter
- Tank builder helper
- Quarry labourer
- Refractory bricklayer helper
- Reinforcing wire mesh worker
- Renovation carpenter helper
- Rigger – construction
- Rigger (except shipbuilding and aircraft assembly)
- Road spray truck helper
- Roofer helper
- Rotary driller helper – water well
- Scaffold erector
- Structural plate fitter helper – construction
- Operator of Tamper
- Tamper operator – construction
- Seat installer – construction
- Sewage pipelayer
- Sewer digger
- Sheather helper
- Sheet metal worker helper – construction
- Shore dredging labourer
- Sider helper
- Skid setter
- Slinger – construction
- Slip form curb machine tender
- Smelter liner
- Spacer – pipeline construction
- Terrazzo layer helper
- Terrazzo machine grinder
- Steel form setting worker
- Steel forms setter helper
- Vanity and kitchen cupboard installer helper
- Spray truck helper
- Spreader box tender
- Steam fitter’s helper – construction
- Steel erector helper
- Terrazzo finisher helper
- Vibrator roller operator
- Vibratory compactor operator
- Wallboard sander
- Tile layer helper
- Tile setter helper
- Tinsmith helper – construction
- Tombstone erector
- Tombstone setter
- Waterproofer – construction
- Waterproofer helper
- Welder-fitter helper – construction
- Window caulker
- Wire mesh setter
- Trades helper – construction
- Trench digger
- Water pipe installer
- Water well driller helper
- The NOC 7371 was divided. Rigging-related job titles were transferred from NOC 7371 to NOC 75100.
- Job titles for labourers and assistance in the building industry were transferred from NOC 7611 to NOC 75110.
NOC code: 7612 converted into NOC code: 75119 Other trades helpers and labourers. The professions in this skill category are
- Aerial spraying assistant
- Automotive electrician and mechanic helper
- Cable installation and repair helper – telecommunications
- Cable installer, repairer and splicer helper
- Chemical process equipment mechanic and Commercial air conditioning mechanic helper
- Crawler track repairer helper
- Diesel mechanic helper
- Elevator constructor and mechanic helper
- Engine fitter helper
- Factory maintenance mechanic helper
- Field mechanic helper
- Helper of Fire equipment servicer
- Mechanic helper of Heating and air conditioning
- Heating and cooling mechanic helper
- Heavy equipment mechanic helper
- Electric power and wire communications labourer
- Electrical mechanic helper
- Aircraft instrument mechanic helper
- Ground hand – telecommunications
- Ground worker for power lines and telecommunications
- Hand peat moss cutter
- Electric cable network installer helper
- Electric cable splicer and motor repairerhelper
- Motor vehicle body repairer and mechanic helper
- Motorman/woman – offshore drilling rig
- Oil burner maintainer helper
- Aerial spraying lineman/woman
- Air conditioning mechanic helper
- Oil burner mechanic and technician helper
- Ore-processing equipment repairer helper
- Peat digger
- Pipefitter helper for shipbuilding
- Automobile body repairer helper and bumper straightener
- Lineman/woman helper
- Liner replacer – ore-processing equipment
- Lineworker helper
- Marine electrician helper
- Mechanic helper
- Power cable system installer helper
- Powered-machine or towed-machine repairer helper
- Powerhouse electrician and mechanical repairer helper
- Protective signal servicer helper
- Pump-installer and repairer helper
- Railway car repairer helper
- Mill mechanic and Millwright helper
- Mobile equipment repairer and mechanic helper
- Ship machinery installer and Shipbuilding electrician helper
- Shipyard electrician helper
- Small-engine mechanic helper
- Surveyor helper
- Switchman/woman helper – telecommunications
- Telephone cable splicer helper
- Underground cable helper
- Industrial instrument repairer and mechanic helper
- Industrial machinery and Powerhouse oiler
- Installer helper – telecommunications
- Refrigeration mechanic and Window air conditioner repairer helper
- Rig mechanic helper
- Sewing machine mechanic and repairer helper
- Underground cable splicer helper
- Utilities pole installer and instrument mechanic helper
- Splicer helper for telecommunications
- Squeak, rattle and leak locator
- Stationary engine oiler
- Surveying and optical instruments repairer helper
TEER level 5: Taxi and personal service and delivery service drivers
NOC code: 7513 converted into NOC code: 75200 Taxi and limousine drivers and chauffeurs. The professions in this skill category are
- Funeral, Hearse, Limousine, Airport limousine and Taxicab driver
- Company, Funeral, Private, Private household chauffeur
NOC code: 7514 converted into NOC code: 75201 Delivery service drivers and door-to-door distributors. The professions in this skill category are
- Groceries deliverer and Milkman/woman
- Handbill passer and Announcement delivery person
- Laundry route, Route,Parts delivery, Cannabis delivery, Canteen, Soft drinks, Takeout pizza and Drug store delivery driver
- Dry cleaning and Expedite driver
- Fast food and Parcel delivery driver
- Flyer, Sample, Door-to-door and Circular distributor distributor
- Mobile canteen driver and caterer
- News item delivery person
- Pizza and Food service delivery driver
- Public notice delivery person
- Bakery deliveryman/woman
- Food delivery and delivery truck driver
- Milk and Bread deliverer
- Bakery route salesman/woman
- Advertising item delivery person
- Dairy route salesman/woman
- Soft drink driver-salesman/woman
- Newspaper carrier and vendor
- Vending machine driver-supplier
- Newspaper delivery driver, deliverer and distributor
- The NOC 7514 was divided. Job titles for door-to-door distributors and delivery service drivers were transferred from NOC 7514 to NOC 75201.
- The NOC 1513 was divided. Door-to-door distributor-related job titles were transferred from NOC 1513 to NOC 7514 75201.
TEER level 5: Water and rail transport operators and labourers and related occupations
NOC code: 7533 converted into NOC code: 75210 Boat and cable ferry operators and related occupations. The professions in this skill category are
- Barge captain and operator
- Charter boat operator
- Beachcomber
- Bridge attendant – canal lock systems
- Bridge keeper – lock system
- Bridgemaster
- Cable ferry deckhand
- Dry dock worker – shipbuilding
- Ferry terminal attendant
- Cable ferry and Canal lockoperator
- Lineshandler – canal lock system
- Linesman/woman – canal lock system
- Loading bridge operator
- Canal lock tender
- Launch owner-operator
- Lighthouse keeper
- Loading bridge operator – ferry
- Lock operator
- Motor launch operator
- Ferry terminal worker
- Launch captain, master and operator
- Scow operator
- Sightseeing boat captain, master and operator
- Small craft operator
- Motorboat captain and operator
- Water bus master, captain and operator
- Water taxi captain, master and operator
- Workboat operator
- Power cable ferry operator
- Reaction ferry operator
- Repair ship owner-operator
- Scow captain
- Lockmaster
- Manual cable ferry operator
- Motor boat operator
- Canal lockman/woman
- Charter boat captain and master
NOC code: 7622 converted into NOC code: 75211 Railway and motor transport labourers. The professions in this skill category are
- Car checker – railway
- Crossing gateman/woman – railway transport
- Deliverer helper
- Delivery truck driver helper
- Engineer’s assistant
- Freight car checker – railway
- Freight car weigher
- Fuel and sand operator – railway transport
- Fuel truck driver helper
- Furniture mover helper
- Cold-storage checker – transport
- Crossing attendant – railway
- Railway car decal applier and lubricator
- Gateman for railway transport
- Route driver helper
- Section labourer – railway
- Siding checker-messenger – railway transport
- Signal gang helper
- Swamper – truck transport
- Track greaser and sweeper for railway
- Motor transport labourer
- Mover helper
- Moving van helper
- Car weigher – railway
- Carman/woman helper – railway
- Railway car weigher
- Railway labourer, track labourer, track maintenance labourer and yard labourer
- Yard labourer – railway transport
NOC code: 7621 converted into NOC code: 75212 Public works and maintenance labourers. The professions in this skill category are
- Labourer and Labourer crew leader
- Line-painting machine operator – highways and roads
- Sidewalk snowplow operator, cleaner and cleaning equipment operator
- Public works road maintenance worker
- Casual worker and General labourer for public works
- Dumpman and dumpwoman
- Garbage collector, receptacle maintainer, helper and truck loader
- Highway line painter and Sanitation worker
- Seasonal worker and Maintenance labourer for public works
- Manual sidewalk and sewer pipe cleaner
- Manual street cleanerm and sweeper
- Municipal elemental worker and general labourer
- Playground and Sewer system maintenance man/woman